
Thursday, January 7, 2010


While the house was full of company over Christmas, our coffeepot died. This was a very upsetting thing to some of us in the house. I loved my coffeepot, so much that we had bought the brand twice. It was a very smart coffee maker, giving us the weather and alerts on the little screen on the front. Every morning it would grind and brew the most delicious coffee, ready when I'd stumble into the kitchen. But alas, each coffeepot only lasted about 2 years. Do they not make things to last anymore or are we just hard on coffeepots?

Coffee was the main attraction at my Grandma's table too. Grandpa would grind the coffee in their old coffee mill each morning, a ritual that started the day and made a delicious aroma in their kitchen.

We like the taste of freshly ground coffee so that limits us to just a few coffeepots that grind then brew. We settled on the new Mr. Coffee. If it dies in two years it won't hurt our pocketbook so bad, but I must say I will miss getting the weather report on my old Melitta!
Rest in Peace dear friend...


  1. It's such a sad thing when a good coffee pot dies. I had the same problem then went and bought the "cheap" one. I lasted about a week and I a had to go get a "good" one again :)
    I don't know why they can't make the good ones last more than a couple years.

  2. Oh my goodness, who knew a coffee pot had the weather report on it?? I am really feeling your pain on this one!!! I could not live without my coffeepot, but fresh ground coffee and the weather too? Do they know longer make them? My favorite was one that didn't have a carafe, just put your cup right up to the pot to dispense it and I too was very sad over that loss. lol
    ♥ Teresa

  3. I love my Senseo and would probably break out in tears if it died.

    And no, "they" don't make stuff to last anymore.

  4. Seems you are right - they make the coffee pots to only last a couple years, then they die. The company wants you to come back and buy the newer updated and more costly coffee maker, so they can stay in business! Maybe we dhould go back to the stove perk kind of pot - and hand grind once again??? What a chore!

  5. Good morning, thanks for dropping by my blog. I know the feeling of loving fresh ground coffee, we use our Galvila coffee pot that we got 8 yrs ago when we first started ordering our coffee from them, we love it. Sadly it doesn't grind it for us, but I bought a little electric coffee mill and grind fresh every morning...nothing beats the taste of fresh ground coffee. I don't know what I'll do when my pot dies, I guess I will say Rest in Peace and order a new one with a grinder in it.
    Please come back to visit I am going to have a give away for my 1 yr Anniversary..I will announce it tomorrow on Get R Done Friday and Art Friday.

  6. How sad! I, seriously, would complain to the manufacturer. The more computer chips they put in these things the more problems they create. I use a separate, small coffee grinder to reduce counter space problems. Sorry, for the loss of your old faithful.

  7. I'm okay with already ground coffee but my espresso must be freshly ground-mmmmm!

  8. Hi, I came over from Blueridge Boomer. I liked the way you spelled your name (o: I have a Daughter named Tracee and a Granddaughter named Shaylee, so I am fond of the double E.
    We have went through 2 microwaves in a year and i wonder the same thing... why do they make them so they last for a minute (o:
    We have a little mountain restaurant we like to hang out at... in the summer, not when it is below zero like now. We live in Colorado right below the beautiful Rockie Mountains. Have you ever hear of Boulder Colorado? We are close to that.
    I had a fun visit here, come and visit my blog some time (o: Grammy Pam

  9. ...and your coffee pot was probably more accurate with the weather than our weather men who last many many years longer than 2 and never get the forcast right!


  11. Well let us know how the new one works.. and if it can brew up some ah.. 'adventures' too. heehee only teasin there.. bummer that it died, yet the newer ones seem to go quicker as I've noted.

    Hugs and kisses

  12. I'm guessing the life expectancy of a Coffee Pot is actually 2 years, so we'll buy another and keep the cash flowing. At least they're not terribly expensive...Wish I like coffee but it's YUK to me, though I love the smell.

  13. Hi from Seattle. I found you from reading Jayme over at Tales of the Coop Keeper. We know a little bit about coffee here, so can I put in a plug for my favorite coffee maker? I've had Braun and Krups, but I really love my Cuisinart. We have the regular 12 cup, and grind our beans in a separate grinder. Our daughter has the Grind & Brew, and after 4 years, both versions are still going strong. You may want to run some white vinegar through your coffee pot every 4 months or so to keep the calcium from building up, unless it's the motor on the grinder that burns out. Coffee pots should last longer than 2 years. I'm enjoying your blog, and will stop by often.

  14. Did not know they made coffee pots with a weather report. Ours is a Cuisinart. It grinds and brews too. Once you get used to having your coffee freshly ground, the other doesn't taste quite as good.

  15. I'm so spoiled when it comes to coffee. Fresh ground and French Press every single morning. We switched to a french press because we were sick of replacing coffee pots. It's perfect for just me and my husband though we have to use our Cuisinart when all the kids are home.

    Here's to a long life with your coffee pot (cup of java in hand), CHEERS!

  16. I LOVE fresh ground then brewed coffee, I think the more bells and whistles the more there is to break. sandie


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