
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baby Steps

Mom, me and my brother~1952

Mom had her follow-up appointment yesterday at the doctor. It's been 5 weeks now since she fell and fractured her neck. Since then she has worn a padded brace to stabilize her neck. The good news was that the fracture is very faint now so it is healing, the bad news...the doctor says it's a good idea for her to wear the brace indefinitely. Mom's progressed Dementia makes it hard for her to understand why she must do this, she doesn't even remember the fall.

I've mentioned many times my gratitude that Windcrest takes such good care of my Mom. The staff is trained, professional and caring. If you have ever been a caregiver you know that the day in-day out schedule can leave you exhausted mentally and physically. It's a calling when someone wants to take care, to be a nurse. I admire the girls who patiently dress Mom, put lotion on her hands and walk slowly with her as she makes her way down the hall to her bedroom.

Joy Colleen ~1952

When my daughters were small, they too took very small steps. The dribbled on their cute little dresses and didn't understand the rules we made some times. I see Mom in a different light these days, but she's still with me and that's all that counts.


  1. We all reach that point in life where roles are reversed and we become the "parents" to our parents. I am getting ready to finish a basement for a friend who will be moving her 92-year-old mother in.

  2. Thank goodness she has such good and caring people attending to her. Hugs...Mary

  3. My mom is 83 and still in good phycical and mental health but, I am seeing changes with her. She is slowing down considerably. I hope when the time comes when she will need more care we make the right choices. We are trying to get her to give us some kind of direction if she is not able to make those decisions for herself but she doesn't want to talk about it. So we all go on and wait till the time is upon us and deal with it then.

  4. I am glad she has such good care. Enjoy your sweet mom - I am sure the dementia is hard.
    I hope her neck continues to heal fast.


  5. Joycee you are a good daughter. The kind every women wants to have.
    Enjoy each day that you have with her as they go fast,
    I miss my Mom still who was 80 when she left in 1998.

  6. I'm glad that she is healing. My mother took care of my grandmother through Alzheimer's . I understand how difficult this must be at times.

  7. Joycee -
    You are the winner of my "Birthday Give-Away". Congratulations!
    Please email me your mailing info at
    You will receive the audiobook, "Manhunting"!

  8. Thank you Blogging Friends for listening and reaching out to me. Your comments mean a lot. So many of us are now facing aging parents and the health problems that come with that. Just an update, Mom is improving and her fracture is healing well. She remains positive throughout the whole ordeal, Amazing Woman!


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