
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cleaning the cabin...

I’ve been trying to get some extra cleaning in before cold weather arrives. When the Winter wind starts to blow, I like to hunker down and stay close to home. I do believe I could be a hermit, I love to have a pot of something on the stove and wear my flannel shirt and jeans.The cool crisp days of Autumn are a perfect time for a good cleaning. We'll all be spending more time inside soon, so I like to get rid of the Summer's dust and dirt before we close the doors and windows for the colder season. Today I gathered up my cleaning supplies to make sure I was ready for a good scrubbing. I have favorite products I like to use and I’m a sucker for anything that smells clean! I love Murphy’s Oil Soap for wood cabinets and floors, Simple Green for heavy duty cleaning and Microfiber cloths and mops are the greatest invention since sliced bread, don’t you think? I can mop my wood floors and they are dry in minutes! I use them on my stainless steel appliances with no streaks whatsoever. I don’t buy a lot of throw-away cleaning helpers.

When I first married Mom told me that all I basically needed to clean a house was bleach and Lysol, her two favorites! I didn’t buy paper towels for years, finally giving in and OK, I do like them! I’ve found that not a lot is needed beyond safe simple ingredients of soap, water and lots of elbow grease. Opening a few windows or your back door these cool mornings makes the house smell fresh in no time.I start one room at a time and clear any clutter. As I gather and put away, I wipe and swipe (dust and clean)! How two people can make such a mess, I’ll never know. His mess is newspapers and mine magazines or cookbooks. You can tell exactly where each of us “claim” in the living room, there are nests! I do believe we were born to nest, but it is home and we need to feel comfort when we enter the doors and close out the stresses of the day.

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth,
for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:
it is the time for home.
~Edith Sitwell


  1. Thank you for the cleaning inspiration! You can't tell it by looking at my house right now, but I do actually enjoy it once I actually get started :) Happy Fall Cleaning!! -Tammy p.s. love those microfiber inventions. So simple yet so effective!

  2. I find comfort in Edith Sitwell's quote. I too will be starting my cleaning this week. Although...your display of cleaning supplies is much nice than mine! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. well, what i would really like is for you to pay me a visit and do the same to my home, but since you are probably much to busy then thanks for inspiring me to clean my summer cobwebs and dust! although those cobwebs might be just the halloween decor i need next month!

  4. You are cleaning your cabin,I'm cleanin my garden!In a few days I'll start cleaning my home.Happy Fall cleaning to you!Bye.

  5. Yep! It's that time of year. I got a spurt of energy the other day and washed all my windows.I can finally take the air conditioner hose out of the window too. I haven't put it away yet though. Might need it. I have one of those portable ones. Now if I could just get at my closets. I can't do too much at a time these days. But I'm getting my energy back slowly. Always love your post Joy!!

  6. It always feels so good to get the house clean and sparkling. I just wish they wouldn't mess it up so fast!

  7. Strange to say I find comfort in the routines of keeping a home. Because I worked for so many years, I have cleaning down to a science. I had to get it done quickly in order to have time for the things I really wanted to do:-). To your Mom's basic list I would add vinegar. A diluted vinegar solution is perfect for wood floors and also windows. For a wonderful aroma throughout the house stud an apple with cloves and put it in a low oven (250 degrees)and it will do its thing.
    I kept old houses and new houses. No bones about it, newer homes are much easier to clean.

  8. Sounds like winter is coming real soon! I'm looking forward for your beautiful pictures then.

  9. I love a clean house - just wish I had more time to get it done!
    I too like to use Murphy's Oil Soap.
    BTW, is that your hand holding the cloth? If it is, I'm extremely jealous!

  10. I so love this post both from the almost time to hunker down part to the ode to cleaning. I too am getting ready. And finally it is Autumn...

    The Raggedy Girl


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