
Monday, November 16, 2009

Crime in your Neighborhood

You can't turn the TV on anymore without noticing that it seems like crime is at an all time high. Even in our neck of the woods crime is up. We've had two robberies from our boat dock in the last year. We all take precautions to safeguard our valuables, but sometimes no matter what you do a thief can outsmart you.

We can't just live in fear though, being well informed is a powerful weapon to keep you safe. There are some great sites that help you look up the crime that is occurring in your neighborhood. I went to and poof...there it was, 126 crimes in nearby Fayetteville broken down by catagory. Assults, thefts, breaking and entering, sexual assaults, robbery, thank God no murder. It shows a map with notations of the crimes and the sidebar gives the specifics; address, date and category of crime. It's a powerful search engine that can take you back the last 3-30 days and even pinpoint your address for crimes that may have happened nearby. In times like these, we need to be aware and keep on our toes.

Where to Go Online to Check Your Local Crime Statistics -- is my favorite site. It shows you a map and where the crime occurred on the map. It also gives you a short description and the type of crime (robbery, vehicle theft, etc). You can sort by date of crime and type of crime. It can also show you a map of sex offenders. It also has a great analytics section, which shows you charts of and graphs and crime trends. It is free. You can sign up for alerts to you email address. -- is very similar to It shows you a map with icons depicting different crimes. It offers a many US cities, but is limited. One good feature is that it offers popular international cities like Paris, France and Madrid, Spain. The international feature can be helpful if you are traveling abroad and want to know where to stay as to avoid crime. -- This is a sight you would use if you are moving and want to compare neighborhoods. It gives you a map with different areas and their crime information. You are also able to pick trendy neighborhoods, areas to retire in, etc.


  1. I signed up with about a year ago and love it. Sorry to hear about crime being up in your area, but I think you'll find it's all over. Crime always goes up in economic distress, especially breakins, thefts, etc. But you're right; be aware1

  2. What a great idea. Thank you for sharing with us. I was not aware of that site. Now i will be on the watch.
    Elsie <><

  3. Nothing shows up in our area, so that could be a GOOD thing - or bad, because our state just layed off 125 police officers in efforts to help balance the state budget!!! Maybe no officers were available to call to crime scenes and report on them?? So frustrating.

  4. Great idea...I hate ruins everything for good people! Why do others have to do such things?!
    Come say hi :D

  5. Joycee, where I live on the farm, I leave my keys in my unlocked truck; I rarely even lock my house. When I go to Tulsa, my girls fuss at me and I have to admit, at my little house there, I have a hard time sleeping. Every little bump in the night makes me think someone is trying to invade my house.

  6. We hosted a Crime Summit in Jackson a few years ago and now have a Crime Task Force. Our speaker was Chief Rubin Greenberg who retired from Charleston SC. He was an awesome speaker and we are implementing many of his suggestions. You can google him. What an incredible human being!
    Happy Twirls

  7. Thanks for the heads-up and sharing the site with us.

  8. I just sent myself these sites to check out - now I have to go check them out, but wanted to say thanks. Hope we don't have a lot of crime here . . .

  9. I checked this report about two years ago when I was living in San Francisco, and was surprised to learn of the crimes in the neighborhood. It's a good reminder to take measures against being in a bad situation. I carry pepper spray now that I live in Manhattan. There are red dots on the map everywhere here.

  10. It's getting even worst due to the down run economy!


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