
Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Flu Bug

The Mayo Clinic has a great tool on their website that helps you decide if those sniffles and sore throat are a cold or the dreaded flu bug. A couple months ago I think I may have had the flu, I had a pretty high fever for about 5 days. The worst part of it was my arms and legs felt like they were falling off. I'm a big baby anyway, but I needed a lot of care those days from Hubby. For some odd reason, I get sick on the weekends. Don't really know what that's all about. I even gave birth on the weekend. Just considerate I guess, don't want anyone to miss work!

The site has a button (click here) and you just answer eight questions asking whether you have a fever, headache, cough, sore throat and other symptoms. After you take the test then you can read what to do for the symptoms. I would recommend chicken soup, tissues and a good dose of The Housewifes of Atlanta re-runs!


  1. You are considerate! Thanks for the info on the Mayo clinic site. That'll be ver helpful.

  2. Thanks so much for that. I got a flu shot this year, and am keeping fingers crossed that the H1N1 steers clear of me. But this is a good resource.
    Funny about weekend sickness. Isn't that wierd how that works? Maybe it's just our bodies going [deep sigh] "Now I can let down for a moment." Oops.

  3. PS. Your home is GORGEOUS! I just clicked on your magazine link. Wow.

  4. How are you, Joycee? Are you feeling better now? Hopefully! You need extra supplements of vitamin C and maybe some spirulina & colestrum which are extreme good for your health! Try it out. Have a good weekend. Cheers.

  5. And that old flu bug isn't a very "nice" bug, is he!?!?

    High fever and body aches - - - yep, sounds like the flu alright.

  6. That little flu bug looks so cute but he is really a stinker. Thanks for the info!

  7. I love those Housewife series. I watch them all. The Orange County ladies this season are particularly mean/catty. I think they are the meanest out of all of them. At least the Atlanta ones are out in front about it and don't pretend niceties. I liked Candy best this season; NeNe was my fav till this season. She kinda went over the top this season.

  8. I hope you are on the mend. This is a terrible time of year to be sick.
    NCIS reruns help with aches and pains.

  9. I know everyone has heard this a million times, but washing the hands while singing the ABC song - best way to avoid the flu!


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