
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Guilt is Good!

Hi there, it's me Ben the dog...

blogging for Mom today so that she can have the day off.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I was at the kennel. That's not exactly the truth, I was at my groomer Dina's house having a wonderful time. I wasn't invited to San Antonio this year since Mom and Dad decided to fly. It's ok, I'm not too upset. It would have been noisy, they all talk at once in this family! River is my dog cousin and he would have shared things with me, but mostly we'd be stuck at home while the People shopped and went down on the Riverwalk.

So, my weekend wasn't too bad. I took lots of naps, ran and played in the country with Dina's Cockers and enjoyed a little turkey on Turkey Day! Now that they are home I'm giving them the "LOOK!"

You know what I mean, that sad eyed, Poor Me Look! It will be good for at least a week...extra treats, meat scraps and lots of petting.

Guilt is good!


  1. Hey!!'s us .....Mia and Max....your right...."Guilt" is good....we've got it down to a science!!....Milk it..Buddy!!!

    Enjoy...Mia & Max...aka...LindaMay's doggies

  2. I hope your holiday was wonderful, Joyce. Tell Ben to "deal with it." Have a great day...Mary

  3. Hi BEN... it's me bugzy & da gang. We had turwkey!!! Did your momo bring you back turwkey? Momo even gived us some sweet potatoe!! Sadie-mae reewdly liked it. Matilly didnt. Osca was a brat. He got to sit on the compuwta table and watched dem eat. We had to be on da fluwa... not fair I say.

    anywaze, I'm glad you is back broda from anudda mudda. Neva a good thing go to da grooma on a holida I say. Oy.

    Luv ya man...

    Bugzy & da gang!

  4. I know that look would work on me/ha

  5. Lucky you, Ben!!! Our human shut us up in a small little computer room with only dry food and water for the WHOLE day while SHE partied with her family and had WARM DELICIOUS food downstairs.

    Gomer and Fuzzie, the Eclectic Land Cats

  6. Thanks Mia and Max for the advice, I will milk it as long as I can!
    Ben the dog

  7. We did have a great Thanksgiving Mary, hope yours was wonderful too. Now it's straight on to Christmas!

  8. Bugsy, I got zip. They said the airlines won't let you bring turkey on...something about federal regulations. What do you think???

  9. Nanny, a little guilt never hurt anyone...glad you agree!

  10. Gomer and Fuzzie, I have the name of a good lawyer if you want to press charges against Keetha...just saying I probably would!
    Ben the dog

  11. LDH, glad you came over to Granny Mountain today. I do the blog pretty often (Mom's lazy) and to tell you the truth I get more comments. Come visit often!
    Ben the dog

  12. Hi Ben,if that is a real picture of you - you are a cutie pie. Glad you had a good time.

  13. Senator thinks you should keep that look all through the holidays - it works well for him. Ben is one handsome and lovable fellow. He's got that melt my heart look down pat!
    Happy Twirls

  14. Ben is just so adorable, just like my beagle! Will introduce her to you one day =D


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