
Monday, November 23, 2009

Let the Holidays Begin...

Did you hear the "DING?" The Holiday Bell is about to ring with Thanksgiving just around the corner! That glorious time of the year when family gathers for a big meal to celebrate the things that we hold most dear. It's also the time that a lot of people dread; travel nightmares that bring stress levels to the top, being in close quarters with family members you aren't crazy about and having to be polite and eat something that is green and wiggly!

Make this year the year you strive to be stress free. Go back to your childhood and pretend you are at the Children's Table once again! You was fun! Lots of cousins around to play with and your parents were occupied all day so you pretty much could do whatever you wanted to.

We would travel to Aunt Joy's house or my Grandparents to celebrate with family. The meal was usually buffet style so the kids had the pleasure of filling their own plates. When we'd set down at the Children's Table the plates looked like this...potato chips and dip, pie, cake, candy, and jello of every color. Jello salads were a very popular side dish in our family!

There was always enough food to feed an Army, and when we were all together we almost met the criteria! Turkey and cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes and giblet gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, hot rolls and PLENTY of pies, cakes and candies. No one ever went away hungry.

When the blessing was said, a hush would come over the noisy bunch. A wave of quiet to hear the words that said what we all felt. That we were grateful for those who were there and remembering those who had past. That the blessings of our life included good health and home, and plenty. Plenty in all facets of our life. We had the most important gift of all, a family that loved each other.


  1. OMG, that last photo could have come from my own family album Joycee, they even look like my aunts!

    Great post bring back wonderful memories of being at the children's table!

    Have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. Yea! It's turkey time!!! It will be a very busy week but this year I have a plan and it'll be like being at the kids table! Come say hi :D

  3. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and God bless
    Elsie <><

  4. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Blessings..Mary

  5. That picture reminds me of my granma's house!

  6. Hope you've a wonderful thanksgiving with your family. & may god bless you & your family. Cheers!


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