
Friday, December 4, 2009

It was a good year...

When I visited Mom this week we looked at one of her many photo albums. The one that stays with her at Windcrest is full of her life. We made this one together after she moved away from the farm. Dementia robs one of present day, but Mom's memories of long ago are strong. She can name the people in the photos taken in 1946, she recognizes the house in Santa Cruz where she and Daddy started their life together and she sees expression in faces. The look her Mom had in a Thanksgiving photo as she sits down finally to a huge spread of food, made with love and served with pride.

Mom says,

"Look how glad Mother was to have us all there!"

She sees my brother and remembers him as a child, all round and chubby in his little Red Ryder wagon. She sees Daddy and says, "He's so handsome in his Army uniform!" She recognizes my Aunt Joy, her sister-in-law...but can't call her name. I fill in the blanks and she turns the pages.

The pages of her life.

It's hard for families going through this decline in memory and sometimes health too. But it's the little things that add meaning to a person's life. Taking the time to go back as we go forward. Get those photo albums out and sit down with someone you love.

Share the memories...


  1. Ahhh, how sweet a write, Joycee! We went thru dementia with DHs Mother, it was devastating to watch it rob her of her life & memories.

    God bless you all & your Mother ... I so feel for you from the heart.
    Hugs, Marydon

    PS You may enjoy the post today @

  2. You are exactly right. If you don't go through the pictures and ask all your questions NOW - someday it will be too late to get the answers.

    You'll never get all the answers, there are still sometimes I wish I could ask my mom something - and I'd love to hug her one more time - I'll just have to wait awhile.

  3. It's so nice to be able to see old photos. I am the picture taker in my family and I'm sure all the others will appreciate having them someday when they look back on their lives also. That is a nice picture of the family back then Joy.

  4. Sweet post Joycee but so sorry you're all having to experience this part of the aging process in your mother. So glad you've got the photo album...

  5. Thank you for leaving a comment in my blog. I do hope you come visit there again. I'll be back to see yours again soon.

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  7. Bless you and your Mother. This is a struggle I'm sure , but how lovely she still has the "old" memories.

  8. Precious post. Been there, done that with my sweet MIL. She passed away this last May. I tried to fill her room with collages of old photographs...ones she never forgot. Enjoy your Mom! Mine, along with my mother-in-law, are now in Heaven.

  9. It is so hard, my husbands mom is to visit with and the memories roll on and on! Love it!
    Come say hi :D

  10. Joycee, how wonderful to go trough the albums with your Mom. Sometimes, I think it might not be such a bad way to go. I was 17 and Mom was 40 when she died of stomach cancer and I never got the chance to ask so many questions...


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