
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No Place like Home

“Close you eyes and tap your heels together three times. And think to yourself, there’s no place like home.”
– Glinda, the Good Witch of the North (Wizard of Oz )

Isn't that the truth? There's no place on Earth that feels as good as home. Your own bed, the clothes that you call your favorites, even the food that waits for you in the pantry. No matter where we have travelled, it's always good to come home. I love everything about this house, where it sets in the woods, the way the sun filters through the trees into the living room...conveniently just where I'm setting in the late afternoon. I like my little black teapot and my Earl Grey Tea. I like my comfy chair and the furry faux leopard throw to cover me up and take a nap. And I love the way the house feels when we are both home and Ben is asleep at our feet.

Through the years there were times when home meant different places. Like the transfer to North Carolina when we lived in a motel for several weeks while the new house was finished. Amy was 8 then and Stephanie was off to college. It was the first time our family was apart and it was a hard move. We were only there a few days when we received a call from the movers, the van had turned over on an icy road in Tennessee with all of our worldly possessions on board. It was a terrible feeling being in that motel room and not knowing if we had anything left to put in a house. The insurance paid for all of the broken furniture and Thank God, the really important things like Grandma's china was intact.

A few years later in Texas we sat in a shelter after the worst flooding in a century devastated our lakeside neighborhood. Twenty-six inches in twenty-four hours. We didn't expect to find a dry house the next day when we were allowed to return. The water came up to the edge of our garage, then receded. All of the waterfront homes had water 12 foot up on the first floors and it was weeks recovering. We pulled together during that terrible time, neighbors who mostly said polite hellos shared meals and homes. Brought us to our knees literally and figuratively.


  1. Amen. Dorothy was right and so are you.

  2. You are so right. You can even be away from "home" when you're home. LBeau and I had to stay upstairs for a few days this weekend while our heat was out on the main level. It was good to get back to our own bed.

  3. Don't laugh but sometimes I use my mind's eye to revisit my childhood home. Those are during some of life's most stressful moments when I need be reminded of the simple things.

    Good memories are one of life's greatest gifts and being able to "go home" is a part of that. It's such a gift to be able to get there, even when your not there!

  4. So So true..when I am away I can't wait to get back to my comfort zone..

  5. Your so right!...we moved 9 times in 12 years with the company and the last move was back home! (never to leave again)

  6. I so place like home because home is where your heart is! As we have traveled, I am always so glad to come home! Utah is such a clean state, so many places are dirty and it's like no one cares..just love home! Come say hi :D

  7. Touching post....and you are so right. There is NO place like home. But I have always loved the "home is where you hang your hat" concept too!

    Lovely music too!

  8. There is no place like home. I agree.

  9. like this Home post
    what a great 'art' to be happy with where we are at (o:

  10. Beautifully written. There is no place like home..hugs~lynne~

  11. Beautiful post Joycee. I know I love my home and those in it more than anything.

  12. I just had to tell you, this past Halloween, I dressed up just like Dorothy, with the shoes and even the braided hair wig. My 2 year old granddaughter thought it was great. One little boy said that he'd seen a Dorothy down the street. I told him, yeah, but I'm the really Dorothy. Wow, he said and while walking away, he said and I'm the real Spiderman.

  13. You're sooo right! There's NO where like HOME, alright! I love the smell of my own bed & pillow especially....haha... No jokes!


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