
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Frosty Fred

It's been a little snowy so far this winter on Granny Mountain. Me and my buddies have heard quite a bit of complaining.

"Too cold to suit me."

"When's this snow ever gonna stop?"

"Is this Arkansas or Alaska?"

Well, WE LIKE IT! It's never too cold for us to get together for a Par~Tay!

Frosty Fred comes all decked out to the nines with coal buttons and eyes, even a broom!

Stacked Stella is looking mighty fine!

Even that odd family down by the lake was out enjoying the new snow...

Mother Snow watches over the mountain, ever watchful for warm temperatures.

But Frosty Flo is sick of Winter and has packed her bags, ready to run off to someplace where she can melt into the sand!


  1. ~may i be invited to your next SNOW PAR~TAY...these are absolutely the most wonderful little snow people i have seen...brightest blessings~

  2. Love all the personalities!

  3. Okay I'm with Frost Flo - but I do love all the different snowmen.

    I can't believe there is so much snow - it's gotta go girl.


  4. I'm with Flo...we got another snow storm this morning! I come! Come say hi :D

  5. These are some hilarious as well as quality snow folks - - - are they truly from your yard, or did you google some of them in?

  6. You've put a smile on my face! Thanks for this post.
    Have to admit, I love the daffodils on your header!
    Spring IS just around the corner!

  7. Love all of your different snow men! Our local weather man is saying that there is still a possibility for it to snow more before the end of the month!

  8. I promise, this is my last snow post for the season! These snowpeople were all from Flickr's Creative Commons site, no copywrites. I didn't make a single snowman this year with all the snow we had!!!

  9. Hahaha... I love the last one, so cute! And the 2nd last one, the back ground view is awesome! Oh, thank you so much for sharing these. You make my day.


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