
Thursday, March 11, 2010


I've always prided myself on being organized, at least until OA came to live with us. OA is a mean, ugly thing that sneaks up on you when you're not looking. She's been lurking nearby for quite some time, but so far Hubby and I have kept her out of the house. Sometimes she would hide things in the garage. I think it may have happened over Christmas when the kids were here. I noticed it first when I forgot to put a salad on the table. It was out of sight, out of mind in the fridge...that was my excuse anyway. Every few days I lose something or find something that's been lost! I blame OA, she's the reason for all of this unrest at our house.

Her full name...Old Age!


  1. I agree on this.. I too don't like OA.. but Auntie Flo, which wasn't my cup of tea either came and went like bad company.

    I thank the good Lord for the 'seasons' of change in a woman.. I couldn't fathom having both at the same time.

    with love and hopes that we both can endure OA..


  2. ~my grandpa and dad call it is "crs"..."can't remember sh*t" i think we all have bouts of drawing a blank...wishing you luck at NOT losing things...brightest blessings~

  3. Sounds like my life. OA is not a good friend.

  4. Is that who's knocking at my windows and doors....??!!

  5. Oh my gosh - it is here too. At first I was afraid, but now I am accepting it somewhat and laughing about it - trying to embrace it.

    Another symptom of it for me - my daughter seems to talk so fast - and I listen - but I am much slower to answer and she thinks I'm not answering her - I'm just slower.

    Does anyone have that symptom?


  6. true! But I notice my kids do a lot of the same thing too. Come say hi :D

  7. That graph made me laugh! So true!

  8. Hey, no jokes! I'm facing the same problem as well. I'm just 41! Maybe my memory space is to small to handle all those task! hehe....


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