
Friday, April 16, 2010

Therapy Session~8 AM

Faerwillow's profile over at Serendipity says
"If i could use one word to describe my life SERENDIPITY seems to fit the space...i stumbled upon my husband during a time i shouldn't have and my story goes on from there...constantly falling or stumbling upon remarkable gifts and people who bring fortune to our lives...when we fall we learn and strive toward the next step."

She is a free spirit who posts insightful poetry, amazing photography and unique art projects. One of the reasons I love her blog is her perception of life events. She shares a lot, the things we often keep deep within us. I often think of blogging as "Free Therapy," and with Serendipity I come away renewed and inspired. She posted this recently and I was a little surprised that an Internet test can reveal so much about little ol' me...

What Tree Did You Fall From?
Find your birthday and its corresponding tree.
Then, see the meaning behind it below.

Do you recognize yourself?

I'm an Elm Tree!

ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape(round is pleasant!), tasteful clothes, modest demands(only the best!), tends not to forgive mistakes(oh dear~how can they know this?), cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey(bossy~me?), honest and faithful partner(to the ends of the Earth!), likes making decisions for others(yes I do!), noble-minded, generous(to a fault!), good sense of humor(a little warped some might say), practical(I do know how to be practical~I just don't practice it often!).

Drop by Serendipity for a visit and tell Faerwillow I said Hello!


  1. G'day ...the photo in your header could so easily be in my state in Australia!

    I will do the tree thing ...

    Serendipity is my favourite word ..I use it for everything, even my email.

  2. ~much l♥ve to so sweet are you to write these words...thank you so...and such a pleasure it is to have stumbled upon your little place here and visit each morning...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  3. I'm an Ash tree, related to the Oleaceae (Olive) my Grandmothers name, and I'm surrounded by Elm. A similar tree.
    Joycee, I thank you for this intersting and fun posting. I am Australian and favor Eucalyptus, Aussies call them Gum trees.
    I think all trees are beautiful, don't you?


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