
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Missing the Green

You thought I meant $$$ didn't you? Well, I am missing a few of those too with exorbitant gas prices, not to mention groceries going through the roof!  What I'm really missing right now is the green of Summer. We've been having cloudy, raining cold days this week and it just gets old. At least there's no snow on the ground... uh oh, now I've said it!

The big oak trees that surround our house are still brown with just bare bones jutting up to the sky. Even the squirrels are staying in their nests at the top of the trees, they hole up and sleep away these cold days biding their time until Spring arrives.
I'm missing Summer in all her GREEN glory! I love walking outside in my pj's first thing in the morning and watering all the plants. The birds are singing and the deer are nearby, watching.

The dogwoods make a canopy of deep shade everywhere you look on Granny Mountain.

The hostas strutted their stuff this past summer, until the deer decided they looked good and had a big hosta salad on these by the front porch : (

Ivy takes over and by the end of summer, it's covered fences, trees and anything else in it's way.

The old oaks drink in the rain, soak up the sun and just keep on growing. Some of them are nearly 100 years old on our property. When we set outside under them, I imagine what life was like when they started out little sprouts in the early 1900's.

Moss loves the shade too, it loves the pea gravel between each stone on the patio.

The Gabozies live inside this old tree, see the door?

Mother Nature landscapes for us, we add flowers only to add a little color.

The woods try to take over each summer but we fight back, claiming what we want for a yard.

The rest, Mother Nature claims as her own.

I miss you Spring, come visit soon!


  1. I love all your beautiful green photos. Just in time for St Patrick's Day.

  2. The green (and some color too) is beginning to peak out! Any day now there will be color all around!

  3. You do live in a most glorious location.

    I am sad we don't have more woods near the house but this was a working farm and we are lucky he left any trees anywhere!

  4. just beautiful! what's a gabozie? i wish i had that woods to live by. but i'll just enjoy your photos since i don't!

  5. Hi there! I popped over from JP's place to say hello. Recognized some Texas names in one of your posts. :)

    These green woods are just gorgeous. I'd be waiting for them too if I lived amongst them.

    God bless you and yours!


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