
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Dear Rain,
You have been visiting us for several days now and I want you to know how WELCOME you are on Granny Mountain. We had almost forgotten what you looked like after a hot, dry August brought us to our knees! I love everything about you, the instant coolness you bring after a shower...the drippy sound off the house...and especially the show you sometimes put on with lightning and thunder.

But, you may have stayed just a little too long. Wore out your welcome as Mom says. You are here when we wake up and here when we go to bed. You follow me on errands, drenching me as I dart into the stores. As much as I love a rainy day with it's grey skies and plinky raindrops, it's getting  a little old. Now I'm missing the sun. I love her warm golden light and the way she makes everything bright and cheery. I like being able to run to the mailbox barefooted. I love sitting outside under the trees with a glass of tea and listening to the birds sing. I know, we are a fickle bunch, us humans, always wanting something we don't have. Please don't take this personal, but I'd like for you to pack your bags and go visit Aunt B. She would roll the Red Carpet out for you, I'm sure!


  1. I would welcome with open arms a little rain...can't remember the last time. We are still over 100° here is Arizona. But I'm like you after a day or so I'm ready for sunshine..don't know how girls in the NorthWest manage...

  2. You could try and send it our way, we really need a few "rain all day" days...

  3. Oh rain I would be happy to give you a home to visit for a bit!

  4. It's sunny here today and cool. I hope some of that sun has headed your way.

  5. Send it south we still need lots!!!!!

  6. you may send the rain to me, here in utah. i would love it to stay for a while. i'll pay for the bus ticket and you buy a return one for when i get tired of the rain!


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