
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


That's what the GRANDson's call our house, like it's all mine! Our daughter corrects them but they still call it Grandma's house... actually Nana and Nanny's. We were given our names before the Grandsons even arrived, "TITLES" if you will to note our importance. I took note, I feel the honor! We became Grandparents for the first time in 1994. I was 42 and was thrilled to become a Nana. I couldn't wait to have that little bundle of joy join our family. When I found out it was going to be a boy, that worried me. I knew everything there was to know about Barbie dolls, Easy Bake Ovens and I could shop til' I dropped but boys... they scared me. What would I play with them? 

 That was before I knew about Hot Wheels, before I knew you could have a "Car Show" right in your own bedroom... or even at Nana's on the coffee table!
The World of Hot wheels opened up to me and Mattel provided many toys for them to play with! Car Wash was a soapy mess that permanently set on our back patio in Texas, waiting for Jackson to come over on Friday nights!

In fact, anything with wheels appealed to Jackson. By the time he was 2 he could tell you the names of almost all kinds of cars!

Grandma's house for me was a place that was full of warmth and love. It was more than the old farm that made me want to go back again and again. It was a place I was loved unconditionally, my deepest thoughts could be shared with the assurance that no judgement was ever placed. I felt free to explore and imagine what the world held for me, just for me. I learned respect by being given respect, I learned compassion when I saw them care for the many farm animals or share food with a neighbor. Learning by example, it still works!


  1. I love this post Joy, especially the last part because it reminds me so much of my grandmother's house and the things I learned there. Also, I'm a Nana too, having claimed that title before my first grandchild was born, a little girl. Then a few years later, I welcomed my grandson into the world and learned all about hot wheels too.

  2. Joy, from one Nana to another...isn't it wonderful when we learn new things?...:)JP

  3. Wonderful post, I've yet the joy, but both girls are now married, so.....

  4. Joycee, Another beautiful post. Your family is blessed to have you, and you to have them:-) Have a great day!

  5. We have 9 grandchildren and 5 of them live within a few miles of our home. Almost every Friday we get a call from one or two of them wanting to spend the night. Ain't life wonderful :-)

  6. Hot Wheels, Legos and K'nex have been the favorites around our house for a long time. Lately things like bubble bath, lip gloss and nail polish have started to appear. Yea!


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