
Saturday, November 13, 2010


Lots of bloggers are doing a whole month of Thankful posts, so good for us to say out loud the things we are most grateful for. This morning two of my most precious blessings are still asleep upstairs. My husband who is my rock, always the same and who knows me inside out...upside down. And our middle GRANDson Gavin who spends Friday nights with us, lover of bacon and Monopoly and golf cart rides!

Our life is blessed in so many ways.. with family and friends, good health and happiness. Happiness is one of those things that you have to work on. Lots of people have material blessings, a place to call home and the necessities of life. But being happy inside is a little harder with the stresses we face daily. We rush along every day, checking off the list of things that have to get done. Somewhere along the way we all begin to feel a little drained. Vitamins won't help with this condition that is deep within our hearts. No matter how healthy our bodies are, if our spirit is drained, we are crawling through our days...barely living. When our heart is happy we face each day with new found strength. It's all in how our hearts perceive the day ahead of us.

Have a great weekend! 


  1. I haven't been around in a few days because for the last couple of days we received God's blessing of rain! Our area had been so very dry with high winds. We've been under a fire ban. Anyway, when the weather is rainy our internet is hit or miss - mostly miss. That's ok though. We needed the rain and God provided.

  2. Totally agree Joycee.

    I think it's really important to realize when we are happy and enjoy it!!

  3. Joycee, it's not just how your heart perceives the day's what our hearts can do with it to make it better...:)JP

  4. I really loved your post, Joyce. Each of us must find our own happiness and it sounds like you've surely found yours. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  5. You are wise.
    With wisdom comes sincere "thanks" giving.

  6. All so true. I've found I'm content, not in the settle for it way, but the place I want to be way.


  7. Joycee, This is a great post I will make a point of remembering all the blessings I have today and Thank God for them. I really have a lot to be happy for and at times I forget that.

  8. This was a good post....It is far more popular these days to be un-happy and grumble and fight and whine and etc. I have at times felt somewhat guilty for being happy when I know many others aren't..thanks for some good reminders.

  9. Wishing you the very best from the bottom of my heart. You're such a darling! ((hugs)) & kisses.
    May god bless us all!


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