
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sad and Blue

I'm a little lost today, the kids went back to Texas and the house is so dang quiet I can hear the clock ticking. As tired as I am I should appreciate the quietness, but it's a lonely "it will be 6 months before we see them again" feeling in the pit of my stomach. Ewan adds to the tummy ache when he says "I love you Nanny" and wants me to come home with them...three is just the cutest age! The cousins had the bestest time ever getting acquainted and playing with cars and Iphones! Jackson and Ewan are 13 years apart, but you can see in this picture they were having fun!

I'm going to leave the trees up until after New Year's Day, I always hate to take down the decorations. It makes the house look so plain and nothing is sparkly anymore! The transition from the holidays to the reality of at least 3 more months of cold bleak weather is enough to get me down if I let it. Along the way we'll have some snow and ice to add a little excitement to the days though! I've been watching for Walmart or Target to put their sleds out. Our Texas Grandson's have never had the pleasure of sledding so I sure want them to be prepared. Last week when I went into town I stopped at our local Ace Hardware Store, Garners and sure enough...there they were, a big stack of blue, orange and lime green "saucers." Ready and waiting for the first snowfall of the season, I bought 2, so we are prepared!

Hubby is off this week so we are planning a few fun things and some naps to get our batteries recharged! It's been pretty hectic here on Granny Mountain so blogging has taken a back seat. I have lots of pictures to share, they are in the camera....setting on the counter at Grandmas! You can see my brain needs a few days to recover...


  1. I can relate. This was my first Christmas without my children. My daugher (28) lives on the east coast and my son (23) lives in North Carolina. It was difficult this year because I felt like I didn't really have anything to look forward to. But I made it through.
    Rest, relax, recharge. Try to sit in the sunshine when you can find some! XO Cheryl

  2. Awww. That must be so sad. At least you did get to see them though. Lucky they were not stuck in an airport or something through Christmas.

  3. It sounds like you all had a wonderful holiday. The stillness when they leave takes some getting use to. It's hard when family is not close by. I hope you enjoy the remainder of the holiday. Blessings...Mary

  4. Oh, Joycee, I know just what you are feeling, sweetheart! My visit was cut short because of that Nor'easter that hit Connecticut. I'm already planning my next visit up and can't wait to just get in the car!!! I love the Hollow...the beauty, my life here, my friends, my home BUT I also love my kids & grand-kids SO!!! And, I, too, don't want to take the decorations down...they remind me of my time with the kids! Hang in there!!!...:)JP

  5. Joycee, I'm afriad in another 10 more years I will facing the some thing too! However, hope you're still enjoying the day and stay warm.
    Blessings, Kristy

  6. Joycee, this is just a temporary thing, you're emotionally tired from all the excitement.

    I remember when I was the last kid at home and our housefull of company was newly gone, my mom would cry and say she didn't know why. So Dad would get the car out and we'd go for a nice long drive. It always helped her. I think, just anything to get out of the house will help. If the weather will permit it, try going out and walking a little bit. Or go to town and walk around an antique mall or something.

    You're going to be feeling better soon... Hugs

  7. Some of ours left yesterday; the rest will be here until Thursday, so we are weaning gradually. Anyway, I can relate.

  8. I remember how hard all that was when my daughter lived in another state.......feel for you.

  9. This too shall pass!

    I envy people whose children live "down the road" and the grands can stop by whenever they want; but, alas, that is not to be for us.

    The weather isn't helping any of us either. The days are too gray and cold.

    Hope you feel better soon.


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