
Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm always blathering on about what's going on in my life. If I don't have anything interesting going on then I just reach back in my memory pile and share with you. I have spells though when I can't think of a thing to talk about, today is one of those days! So take advantage of it and tell me what's going on with you. Tell me what you had for dinner last night. Let me know the best movie you've seen recently. What about your most favorite vacation spot or what you plan on doing with all your spare time once the kids are grown and you finally have some money to do it with! Do you have a big event coming up this year... wedding, new baby/GRANDbaby, graduation or are you just celebrating the fact that you can still buy groceries? 
Tell me... "How YOU doing?" 


  1. Know what you mean when the words and thoughts just don't gel!
    Well, let's see. I saw Town last night and it was great; think Ben Affleck might have taking some acting lessons which he sorely needed. Also, he directed this and this Oscar buzz. Am putting on a big pot of Chili today and will look forward to having for dinner tonight. Love a good pot of Chili! Am reading a book that I'm having a hard time getting through as it's not well written and the plot leaves something to be desires... but I never give up on a book so am stuck until the end... damnit!

  2. Went and saw the new make of True Grit and it is great! Just got home from Vegas and you can read about it later on my blog....

  3. Funny, I share Gaston's thoughts about Ben Affleck, he sorely needed some lessons!

    I want to see True Grit, but will wait until Netflix has it.

    My life is never filled with exciting can see by reading my Blog! Big new is today I put on a large pot of beans...plan to try my SIL's mother's technique of leaving it on the stove top all week!

  4. Today I'm getting back into exercise mode. My DH brought the tread mill into the house for me yesterday. I'll let you know how that goes.

  5. I went outside and shoveled snow from under the birdfeeders.. Can't let those little birds standing in deep snow.
    Just finished a big pot of chili and tonight I'm making Kabosi Sauceage with Saurkraut.. m-m- good. make some mashed potatoes and put the saurkraut and sauceage over the potatoes.yum yum.
    Other than that I'm just busy with getting my filing system cleaned out of 2010 and getting ready for 2011.. and reading my blogs... ta ta for now from Iowa..It's 28 degrees and snowing big time... I love it~!

  6. Well after the holidays I went into a funky mood, until I decided to make some things happen. So...I had the "Sisterhood with the Views" here for the weekend(this is my SIL, two cousins and a friend)So had a weekend full of fun, games,laughter, tears,wine and food. Love my sisters! Next am leaving via train for Iowa for my son's inductions into Swimming Hall of Fame. When I return I will leave for FL for a month. When I return can be looking forward to spring!! Are you sorry you asked??

  7. I want to see True Grit so badly!!! Have you seen "Salt" with Angelina Jolie? It's action packed and an eye know makes you wonder if things like that could really happen!...:)JP

  8. I just spent a chilly, rainy day antiquing with my daughter and my sister. We had so much fun. We bought a few pieces of Pyrex for my girl and my sister bought said girl a great old suitcase simply because "she laughs at all my jokes!

    Didn't spend too much money but made a million dollars plus in memories!

  9. Well, it looks like all of you are way ahead of me...keeping up with all the latest movies, reading up a storm and cooking to beat the band! Others are galavanting to Las Vegas or Florida, having "Girls Weekend Out" or shopping till you drop! Anyone who says bloggers are sitting in front of a computer don't know this bunch...

  10. funny how all i can hear in my head is joey from friends......"how you doin"
    while he batted his eyes and his hands were in his pockets.....and from that moment on, history was made :)


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