
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I spent the day yesterday with my in laws, my father in law had cataract surgery. This year he will be celebrating 89 years and even though a stroke took most of his vision from his right eye, he's not lost enthusiasm for the things he loves to do. Up until the stroke he volunteered weekly at the Veteran's Hospital in Fayetteville serving the men and women who serve our country.

My mother in law can't wait for him to have the patch removed this morning and see with "new eyes!" She had the surgery a couple years ago and it was amazing the difference it made in her vision. She said the first thing she noticed was how badly her windows needed cleaning!!! So today he's seeing the path clearly again... down the road he goes!


  1. Hi Joycee ~ My Dad has his eyes done late last year and my Mom is having her eyes done in the late Spring. It's amazing how much improvement comes to one's eyesight after the patch comes off. Good luck to your FIL!

  2. Hope all goes well and they sound like great people.

  3. My grandmother had both of her eyes "done" at different times so obviously it was worth it! When she had the first one done she was in her mid 80's and was so thrilled to be able to read again!

    Best of thoughts for you all while he recovers.


  4. Oh that is wonderful news Joycee!!! That's a blessing...:)JP

  5. He sounds like a wonderful person.
    How great that he will be able to see much better now!

    This is a wonderful time of year to be given new eyesight!


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