
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Low Battery Alert

My laptop battery is losing it's oomph, it shows only 30% charged now even after it's been plugged in overnight. I looked online for a replacement battery this morning cause I know it's coming...that day when it won't come on and I will be forced to use the desktop again. I had no idea that a laptop would be so convenient. When I set down to watch tv I can multi-task and I love that! My battery is a little low too. We've had our "chore boots" on all week with one disaster after another. Putting out fires mostly, I won't go into it all or it will drain my battery completely! I think everyone feels like this anymore, just too much in our lives. We are "spread thin" as Mom used to say. It's raining here today and maybe, just maybe we can have a quiet day with a nap thrown in. That's what I'm planning anyway! 

1 comment:

  1. I use my lap top in the living room too but it is always plugged in. I don't know if that is good for it or not.
    I run the cord under the couch and it comes up where I sit. There is a foot stool right in front of it and that is where I leave it when not in use. It sits on a cooling mat so it gets air circulation under it all the time.
    Now if I could just keep my personal battery charged up like that I would get so much more done around here.


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