
Friday, March 18, 2011

Big Shindig

Tis me McGregor, saying heallo agin to the bloggies out thaer in that inter net box. St. Paddies Day brot a little mischf to Grenny Mtn, us Gaboozies hed a shindig. We are akin to the Leprechans of Irish Descent, but we dnt imbib in the liker like they do.

mE mate Ian livs jst a hp skp nd a jmp dwn th path by th ol oak tre. hE is the wld one in our little gaggle of Gaboozies, u nvr cn ges whate he is up tu. hE's a bachler just lik mE... but hE's only 178 yrs old,  hE's stll lookin'.

Deeperrr intu th woods livs Ferguson o'Roarke, hE's a cuzin twce removed. hiS moTHer ws my Ant KathLeen's sistr. whn we wuz kds we usd tu ply hid n sk undr the leavs nd when wd get tird we wuld tak a nap in an acern top.

thE partee ws at the o'Reillys since they hav a bg hse.

thE gest of honor was Maureen o'Reilly's long lost cuzin' from Dublin. sHaun o'Reilly wasted no tim befor he brot out the bottl nd thn th partee rly got startd. iT wz th wEE hrs uf th mornin' bfore we all rolled home and reigt to bed!

iT sur wz fun but I cnt stand thate much excitmnt mor thn once a yaer!


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