
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feeling Lucky

This time of year, I begin to think of big projects to do in the yard. If your "Partner in Crime" is of the same mindset, you're in trouble! But we have to wait until the rain stops and the nights warm up. Have you ever noticed Spring Fever arrives way before Spring actually gets here? March was cold and dreary and that didn't help. The stores ran ads with patio sets and plants galore. Even if you can't safely plant it, the garden centers have it. I fall for it every year and buy flats of flowers that spend weeks in the warmth of the garage or covered up under blankets if I'm dumb enough to put them in the ground. So far the only thing planted is a patio tomato, cilantro, a single pepper plant and lettuce in a big washtub on the upper deck. I have covered it faithfully every night and I think they're gonna make it!

This year I have casually mentioned (several times) that I'd like a fish pond out by the patio where we set under the trees. I got the idea from our neighbors who put one in several summers ago. We babysit the fish for them when they go on vacation. It's so pretty with all the lush plants and amazing that their little goldfish have grown so much! I think I'm going to have to work on him some though. He doesn't think it's a good idea since he'd have to dig a big hole and our land is mostly rock with a teaspoon of dirt sprinkled around the rock. It's not near as much trouble as the patio fireplace plans I suggested last Spring!

This weekend is supposed to be nice, FINALLY... and I'm going to throw the dice and gamble that Winter is over. I'm going to take all of the sad plants out of the Garage Jail and set them free on the decks and patios! I may even plant the tray of flowers that I bought a month ago at the garden center, I'm feeling lucky!


  1. Hope your luck holds! Surely as far south as you are, you will be safe planting outside.

    I haven't taken my flats back outside yet....40° nights isn't a good thing for them.

    I love the fish pond....hope you get yours. My little dream is maybe a firepit in the west yard.

  2. Oh beautiful...and all your hard work is paying off!....:)jp

  3. Happy Gardening! I've got my tomatoes planted and they survived the last two weeks of storms and 10+ inches of rain we've gotten, but I am keeping my fingers crossed still!

  4. Somehow you've got to make hubby think the pond is his idea! ~grin~

    Good luck with you's probably ok about now to bring them out.

    Happy planting!

  5. I hope you win that gamble! We don't dare plant even flowers til June! ;D


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