
Sunday, April 10, 2011

I've been busy purging the last few days. Bags and bags of cosmetics and lotions, shampoos and conditioners...all with smidgens of product left in the bottom. A while back my better half, my partner in crime called me out on this problem I have of never finishing a bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste. Little did he know that I had stashes of the stuff saved for...I don't know what I saved it for! In all other aspects of my life I feel in control. It's mostly bathroom stuff that gets overbought. It doesn't stem from my childhood, we had plenty of shampoo and paper products. I don't ever remember a time when I had to use bar soap in place of Prell. Somewhere along the way I became a hoarder of toiletries, oh the shame!

I had 12 Walmart bags full of stuff that I deemed necessary last week before I determined it was junk this week. Out went the tubes of Lancome and Yves Saint Laurent lipsticks that I bought in 1998. That means they were 13 years old, yuk! I wasn't using them mind you, just SAVING them! Body lotions that came in sets with perfume that were even older, that horrible bodywash that comes with gift sets...have you ever noticed it says douche on the tube? It never smells like the perfume, it stinks when it's new. So why did I save that???

The more I looked the more I found. Under the counters were old suntan lotions, smidgens of every kind of hair product that they sell and whitening sets galore. Just one or two applications left in each, that's when I realize they don't work and give up.

I picked up speed as I worked, hurriedly throwing with abandon at this point. Q-tips that had worked their way to the bottom of drawers were disposed of when only last week I would have picked them up and examined carefully before pitching. Lord help me, I don't know why I have issues with this but I do! Saving, being all comes from that. Waste not, want not has been drilled into my brain but I can safely say nothing that got thrown away was usable. No one would have saved that stuff but a very troubled person!

I'm thrilled that I mustered up the strength to clear out my troubled past. Now I actually have room for buying extra bottles of my's ok, I am in control now!


  1. A couple of years ago I told myself I am not buying one more product until I used up what I had...mine were not that I didn't. I am almost to the end of my stash...

  2. 12 bags!? Oh my landsakes alive girl! I went hardcore in the bathroom years ago and have the bare minimum-threw out so much old nasty makeup and lotions I knew I would never use. It's a fine line of being thrify and hoarding isn't it? I'm glad you found it!

  3. When I realized I had my stash, I vowed not to buy anything new...shampoo, hair product, lotions and am finally starting to see the light in the drawers/cupboards. I'm doing the same thing in the linen closets! Gosh it's good to be home!..:)JP

  4. You are my motivatiom. I have drrawers and drawers of stash, all more than half empty, or just a dab. When my daughter was 22, I found a tube of Desenix (sp). Its time, as within the next year we need to downsize to one household. We intend to sell our home, and make our cottage our new home. Something will have to give. I have at least 2 of everything, stoves, couches, etc.

  5. That makes me laugh because I do the same! I have lipsticks from 20 years ago!!! ;D

  6. Once a year I go thru & clean out everything from bottles to lipsticks, etc. Good for you ... they are having great sales right now on all these items, Joycee ... chuckle.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~


  7. ha ha! this one makes me laugh! it's true. i was there when he called her out!! momma doesn't part with things easily so it must have REALLY gotten to her when daddy said something!

  8. I have bottles and bottles of unused lotions that people have given me over the years. I think the reason I've kept it is because if I get rid of it I feel like I'm being unappreciative of a gift, even if it smells bad on me. I need to follow your example and just get rid of it all.

  9. I used to do the same thing, save that little tiny bit in the bottom of a bottle or tube and they all just kept piling up. Then I realized what I was doing and tossed it all. Now my cabinets and drawers only contain those things I use regularly. I'm in control, yea!!

  10. I did that a while back myself and it is amazing to me that I have many bottles of this and that but mostly use the same ones over and over.


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