
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Land of the Brave, Home of the Free

We had a beautiful weekend for a change. One more day of cloudy, cold weather and I think I was ready for the loo-loo bin! We had several projects to do, at the top of the list was cleaning up the decks and blowing leaves. They are embedded in all the flowerbeds and it's like they are glued to the liriope and pampas grass.

The dogwood trees are just beginning to bloom. At first they are a pale green, then just a few warm days and they pop out. In a week or so the whole mountain will be white with blooms and it almost looks like snow!

The lake was super "choppy" today with gusty winds. There were a few bass fishermen in the cove, they are a hardy bunch and will fish no matter the weather. My Dad was one of those and would go fishing in the winter if a front was causing a rapid change in the weather...that's when they bite!

I like to take a shortcut through the old part of Rogers, the downtown area. The homes were built early 1900's and the architecture is all kinds. There are Federal style homes, Dutch Colonial, Victorian and lots of Craftsman style. One of the reasons these homes are so special is the large yards with mature trees and shrubs. They've seen many winters and springs, they just keep growing and getting prettier each year!

Every corner seemed to have flags flapping wildly.

I did a post last fall when I noticed how many flags fly over the city of Rogers. Maybe that says something about us. That we are proud to be Americans and we take our rights seriously.

With all of the difficulties we face in our daily lives, when we look up and see this glorious blue sky and the flags we have to feel that sense of pride of being Americans.

My generation still gets goosebumps when we say the pledge or sing The Star Spangled Banner.

GRANDson Jackson went to Cincinnati to be with his Dad this weekend. Of course they took in a Reds game and I wonder if he got goosebumps when they sang the National Anthem?

I'll have to ask him...


  1. Oh, so wonderful. The heart knotted up! You really made my day.

  2. Look at that inspirational sea of red!!...

  3. I love coming down to the lake country and seeing all the redbuds and dogwoods in the mountains in full bloom.

    We rarely see dogwoods growing naturally here. Too many farmers cutting them down .

    Can you see them all from the house?
    I do envy you that wall of glass.

  4. Our dogwoods and redbuds are in full bloom now and just as gorgeous as ever.

    Like your neighbors, we have an historic home on a huge yard downtown. Sadly, we lost our two very old dogwoods last year to lightening strikes but we still have our anchient ginkgos and crepe myrtles... thank goodness!

  5. Thanks for spring pictures. Was on the "Pig Trail" one spring. What a beautiful ride with redbuds and dogwoods overhanging the twisty road. Hope to do it again someday. Arkansas is a beautiful state.

  6. Yes, having some weekend sunshine was nice, though by Sunday afternoon an extremely strong and gusty south wind detracted from the outdoor experience. A little hail with the front that moved through Monday morning hammered our opening dogwood blooms a bit.


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