
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apple Dance

Apple Store dancing is officially a thing. If you are out of the loop like me, it will behoove you to at least try and keep up... for the grandkid's sake!  If you’re clueless to the trend, here’s how it works.

  1. Go to an Apple store.
  2. Stand in front of one of the shiny demo computers and fire up iTunes and YouTube.
  3. Press play and jam out in front of the camera.
  4. Post your performance with the phrase “Apple Store Dance” in the title.
  5. Be prepared for comments.
This is my favorite from the ones that You Tube had posted. This kid is destined for greatness... he's oblivious to cool chicks behind him or for that matter, anyone else in the store! Watch and be prepared to love this!


  1. He was so entertaining I watched his next one! What a ham!

  2. Wow ...has the "loop" ever changed since I was in it! Gotta give that kid credit for self-confidence. Just wearing those big funky glasses in front of those cool chics took some nerve ...but his Apple Dance? Wow ...LOL


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