
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Shampoo Alert!

As I was conditioning my hair in the shower this morning, I took time to read my shampoo bottle. I am in shock! The shampoo I use  in the shower that runs down my entire body says  "For Extra Body and Volume." Seriously, why have I not noticed this before?  Now I  understand why I am so full figured.

Tomorrow I am going to start using "Dawn" dish soap.  It says right on the label "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." It pays to read the labels, my friends!


  1. I had heard this before but it still brings a laugh...

  2. Ok... I'm still laughing over this one! Thanks :)


  3. You are sooooo funny, and if this would work I'd be buying Dawn in bulk.

    Ooops - - - bulk was a poor choice of words in this context!

  4. Thanks for posting. Now I know what my problem is! LOL

  5. That is the funniest thing ever! I am going to start washing my hair with Dawn!!!

    I had to hop right on over and tell you that I didn't know how to spell curlicues either - I wrote it with a ques and spell check told me I was wrong! I feel like I am learning new things all the time!!! And now I know about shampoos and detergent too!

    Have a hilarious day!

  6. You have just discovered the greatest secret ever...I think you should tell this far and wide..maybe you can get rich even! (Loved funny!) ;D

  7. I got this one by email and LOVE it!!!

  8. Well Glad I decided to check out blog again.. as usual you are a wealth of information.. love it

  9. Thanks for my best giggle of the day! I love this one!

  10. I am laughing so hard, I almost choked on my hot dog!...:)JP

  11. Thanks to my SISTER in law Terry for passing along this great email! Too good not to share...

  12. Hilarious! I need to stock up on more Dawn...............

  13. You really do crack me up!!


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