
Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Birthday Girl

It's here, that Big Birthday that most women dread. If today is making my daughter feel old, she just needs to think about dear ol' Mom! For a lot of women, the big 4-0 can cause a grand funk in their life. They are right in the middle of raising kids, sometimes teenagers and we all know how hard that is.

I'm going to give her a little advice today, I'm the Mom and that's what Mom's do best!

*Somewhere around 40 was when the insecurities of my youth began to melt away. I wasn't a perfect size 10 but I realized that being a good person made me far more happy than how I looked in my jeans. I grew up.

*I had a new found confidence from the things that I had learned, experience is a valuable thing in life. I could draw from a bank of wisdom to help me with the problems that came with  raising kids and facing the daily grind. My coping skills improved.

*Getting a few gray hairs is no big deal anymore. I started coloring in my forties, but lots of women now embrace the silver! I loved the fact I could be any color I wanted, Stephanie is much more adventuresome... she's even had pink in her hair!

*It's hard to imagine that there will ever be a day when you can do what you want to do, but it's coming. With each decade there is more "me time." One day it will just happen and you can go for a pedicure... and not feel a bit guilty!

*You finally know what you want to be when you grow up! For me it was always a Mom, but for many women they are deep into careers at 40. The ability to change paths and go a different direction is exciting too, it's never too late to start over!

*You know a lot of beauty secrets by the time you turn 40! With all of the information out there, we are living long lives so taking care of our body is a priority. It starts with good nutrition and that shows on the outside with healthy skin. Good genes play a big part and we can say "Thank You" to Grandmas for that!

*Your 40's are when you realize that there is going to be a time when it's just the two of you again. Not exactly like when you were in your 20's, but even better! Ahead of you are sunrises and sunsets, whole days with nothing to do but read or nap! Hang on, it's comin'....


  1. Joyce, Happy Birthday to your Daugther on her BIG day. She has to be a great person having you for a Mom. Such wonderful advice.Altho I am now enjoying my 50's I have to agree. More me time and I enjoy doing whatever I choose. I too chose to be a Mother and Housewife and don't regret a minute of my full time job. One I will never retire from until the Good Lord calls me home. Have a Sunny and BLessed Sunday.

  2. Great post and I don't know about you but having my daughter turn 40 was a little un-nerving...just doesn't seem possible.

  3. Good advice Mom. Guess I would only add that it gets here quicker than we ever thought...really a blink of the eye.

  4. Joycee, about to make this yummy looking potato salad from the other post. Question: Did you leave the skins on the potatoes?

  5. Hang on a sec... your 40s sound much different than mine! My 40s hit me like 60s AND a truck. My son will be 40, in 3 months. How the heck did that happen?

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  6. Hope she (and you) had a glorious day!
    DH Joe celebrated his 55th today. We're loving this stage of our lives!

  7. Happy 4oth to your daughter.
    Great advice-I couldn't have said it better!
    You are an encourager, Joycee, a gift from God.
    I love reading your post because it is so real, but up-lifting also.
    Your children are blessed to have you as their mother!


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