
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Ewan at four is having the time of his life. Everyday, every waking moment is all about adventure and having a party. Even something as simple as a big orange chair is reason to celebrate!

It's all about hugs and being with the ones we love, for the Great Grandparents it's re-living when we were little. Blink, her baby is celebrating a birthday soon and he'll be 60. How did that happen?

Great Grandpa is the oldest and has the most to share.

Every day is a present. We need to show up ready to open the gift...

...just delight in the moment.

Make a wish and blow out the candles, fully expecting that wish WILL come true!


  1. Happy Birthday to Ewan. He is so cute. Bet he and my Darbee Rae would have a blast running and playing together. Such sweet pictures of family. My Mother is blind and now is on Hospice. She has never seen Darbee Rae (her great granddaughter) but would feel of her and her hair, etc. Darbee has been visiting her at the nursing facility since she was 3 days old. It's so sad. Little Ewan is so blessed to have all is grands around him to spread so much love. And even I would love to hear stories they can tell. You have a great day and give Ewan a hug from me.
    Thru Nanas Window

  2. Wonderful to have all of those grandparents for an adorable little man.

    xo, Cheryl

  3. ewan is the best! THE BEST!!!

  4. There are more than 4 candles on that cake, so happy birthday to whoever is celebrating!

  5. It was Grandma's birthday and there were 21 candles on the cake...

  6. Great Grandma looks fantastic to have a son that is turning 60.
    Ewan looks like a Charmer.


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