
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I think I can...

 Years ago we had a broody old banty who loved to sit, she tried desperately to procreate but alas it wasn't to be. She came as a package deal with 11 other chickens, white leghorns, Rhode Island Reds and 3 bantys. The rooster was a handsome Barred Rock who stood proud and tall over the girls, watching every step they took of their free range life! I was very pleased with the beautiful brown eggs that the Rhode Island Reds laid, and I loved the fact that I could depend on the leghorns for an egg a day, but the bantys... they were useless other than cute factor! They laid sporadically at best and the one that looked similar to this Googled picture above was a senior citizen way past her prime. We had two nests in the hen house and she occupied one nest the majority of the time. Her longing to have chicks far surpassed her ability, she would sit endlessly while the other hens would double up on one nest to lay their daily contribution. Her determination was nothing short of amazing, her world revolved around sitting and waiting for that moment when she would hatch out little chicks that she could parade around in front of her peers and say, "I told you I could do it!" 

At an early age I knew being a Mom was something that I wanted. It was programmed in my brain, a given.... all I had to do was find a husband! I practiced being a Mom on an imaginary monkey that I would push along in my dollbuggy, singing and talking to him...he was my best friend at 5. My outrageous claims exasperated my older brother to no end, he saw things black and white and my world was rainbow!

It's a good thing early on that we decide what we want out of life and make plans how to get there. Not set in stone but one foot in front of the other plans. Then it's as simple as being determined as that old Banty hen!


  1. You are as wise as the hen!...:)JP

  2. I noticed from your comment on Camp and Cottage Living that you are another grandma from Arkansas.
    I've enjoyed reading your blog and I'm a new follower! It's nice to 'meet' you.

  3. Your advice is very good indeed. We have a broody hen right now doing this...I am hoping that some of the eggs will actually hatch for her so she can say "see" also to the others! xo

  4. Love the analogy here..very true indeed! I just tapped you to be a FB friend, look for that! ;D

  5. Loved the picture of the "Banty", I've heard of them but never seen one before. Actually I have a "Banty post" in my head and will have to wrte it someday soon.

  6. What a delightful story!

    Thanks for popping in to my blog:)

  7. I love your story. PUSH Chicky, PUSH!!!

  8. I knew early on that my goal in life was to be a mother. I started the process way too early. Now I sit around and wonder what to do, since my raising kids days are over. I didn't make a plan for that!

  9. I love this Joycee, you are a woman of wisdom.

    We have one of those broody determined girls. No sooner does she raise one batch of chicklets, she is sitting on a nest once again for the next batch to hatch! I don't know how many children she has raised so far, a lot, but what a marvelous mommy she is! She always knew she would be.


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