
Monday, July 25, 2011

Norberta Philbrook

I've blogged often about Eureka Springs, the quaint little artist's community nestled in the Ozark Mountains just a few miles up highway 12 from me. Even with the heat we've been having, the lush green of the trees and grass make you feel cool as you make your way over mountains and around the curviest curves you've ever seen! Eureka is like no other, hard to explain it's uniqueness. Small town America yes, but it has a heartbeat like NYC. The residents here were drawn to the ever changing seasons of the mountains to feed their art. From springs' rock and roll storms to winter's soft blankets of snow, those who call Eureka "home" have plenty to spur their creativity.

Arkansas native Zeek Taylor is known for his award winning watercolors, he uses a dry brush technique to create detail that's rarely found in this medium. His latest watercolor above is titled
"Norberta Philbrook Returned From The Farmers Market With Something For Everyone."
They say art should speak to you... this definitely does to me!  I had a fascination with monkeys when I was little, in fact I had a pretend one that I would push around in my doll buggy!
Norberta IS that childhood fantasy on canvas!  
Zeek Taylor's work hangs at my husband's corporate offices. I can imagine that on a very stressful Monday, filled with meetings and budgets, these may be the only thing that brings a smile to the faces of workers! Somehow, they say to me that the clothes we wear only partly cover the real monkeys underneath! That's purely my interpretation...
The vibrant colors of these flowers are so close to what Mother Nature is able to accomplish.
While looking snooping at his Facebook photos I saw an iris in his garden the very same color!
Oh, to be able to put on canvas what the eye sees...

 I love these intricate American Indian works.
Each of his paintings have meticulously hand-painted borders that complement the artwork.
 STELLA SCHULTZ, mixed media shadowbox,
watercolor, acrylic, amersand board, mirrors, wood,
sworovski crystals, rhinestones
23x28x3.5 inches $2200
If you are planning a trip to our neck of the woods, you can see Zeek Taylor's works in many of the local galleries, like Poor Richard's here in Rogers, during the May  Festival of the Arts at his studio/gallery in Eureka Springs at 12 White Street or his website


  1. Eureka Springs is a lovely place to visit. We've enjoyed many wonderful times there but haven't been back in awhile. Maybe we should put that on our list of things to do in the near future.

    My mother loved animals of all kinds and we did have a monkey once. Her name was Maggie and she was a spider monkey. I can still feel her long arms and legs wrapped around me.

  2. The monkey art is vibrant and adorable. I hope we all have a wee bit of playfullness within us, as the monkey does. And the daringness to climb to high places without fear.
    I love, love, love Eureka Springs. I used to visit there quite often. I collected bunnies once and have a couple my DH bought for me there.
    It's been too many years since I've visited. Now if I could just get my sis to move back to Branson I'd have an excuse for traveling so far south!
    Have a great Monday Joycee.

  3. I love your interpritaion of the art! The colors are fabulous and so much to look at! Thanks for brightening up this Monday morning.

  4. Thanks all. I am very honored to be featured in the Granny Mountain blog. Thanks, Joy.

  5. Pardon me while I fold my tongue back into my mouth and wipe the drool. I hate when that happens!


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