
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crazy Hot

 This has been one CRAZY summer following one CRAZY spring following one CRAZY winter. El Nina is to blame and we can expect more records to follow with a more active hurricane season and possibly early snows when winter arrives. It seems to me that since our daughter and her family moved here from San Antonio last year I keep saying, "The weather is NEVER this hot/cold/dry/rainy/snowy!"

 So far this summer we've had a record highs (110 degrees), warmest lows (85), 2nd driest summer, highest wind gust 77mph on August 7th, top 10 highest consecutive 100 degree days, every day in July was above 90 degrees, June was our 3rd hottest on record... and summer's not over yet!

Spring brought us a rare EF4 tornado at Denning, Arkansas. We had historic flooding of the White River Basin even closing Interstate 40 due to high waters. Highs in May barely got into the 50's and it rained nearly every day.

There's an old saying, "If you don't like the weather in Arkansas, just hang around a little while and it'll change"... well, last winter on February 11th the low was 10 degrees and a few days later Little Rock had a record high of 73 degrees. We had record snows across the state in February too, in fact 24" fell right here on Granny Mountain. It was cold too, we had lows of -21. This is Arkansas folks, not SIBERIA!

We finally got some much needed rain yesterday and today was a pleasant low 90's... did I really say that? We have 80's in the forecast next week, I can't wait! I know we're not the only ones on this roller coaster ride, what's the weather like where you live?


  1. Hazy, hot, humid, finally some rain, and we had the same weird winter, spring too....

  2. North Carolina has been miserable. And like you mention, I worry about hurricane season - we've been spared a few years running now.

    Gorgeous photos even if the weather isn't:)

  3. We're having a cold front here in the NC high country....predicted high for today...81*....!!!


  4. Y'all can come up to Michigan. We have had maybe two days that we could have used an air conditioner. My family from AR just left over the weekend after a nice week of swimming everyday in Lake Michigan. None of them wanted to go home!! Was in 60's this morning! Please don't hate me!!:o)

  5. Being as I am just down the hill from you, we too have had a crazy hot summer. 35 days of above 100 degree weather with the all time high of 115. Enjoyed the rain today though. Cooler weather on the way.

  6. We are just now having summer and we didn't get a spring for the last two years. That saying is here too...wait 10 minutes and it will change. Love the pictures here! :D

  7. And I always thought that wait for the weather to change saying was about Indiana!
    We have had a POWERFUL HOT summer! (Yes, I said powerful hot.) BUT...the past couple of days...I have felt it...fall is on its way.
    Thank you, Jesus!
    xo, Cheryl

  8. It has been dreadful here, too! Texas summer is always dreadful, but this one has been more dreadful. I'm ready for winter! (Not Christmas, just winter)

    OMG, my word verification is "HOTTERS". I think it read my mind!

  9. No rain here in "fo-evah!".
    The weatherman said that we are now on our 37th day of 100+ temps.
    Still, I know there are others hotter for longer than us.

  10. Joycee
    It has been so beautiful here I hate to tell anyone that's had such a miserable summer as yours!
    It was 58 here today and very windy. I'm wearing my flannel PJ's as I write this!
    I'm so glad you'll get a break next week. By the way the hottest day here was 86!


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