
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pice of Poo

Raising kids is fun, just not when you're doing it. Later, much later you will say "Oh, that was cute"... or "I loved it when Stephanie/Amy did that." You can fill in the names of your kids, these were mine! When Amy and her family were here this summer we were discussing toilet training. They are in the midst of that passage of childhood. They will eventually be successful. I can tell you the exact day that Amy was trained. It was her second birthday, it was a big day! You never really know you're doing the right thing when you have to be stern. I used to second guess myself when I had to punish the girls. Childhood is hard, these letters prove it!


  1. Those are HILL-arious!!

    Can you say "Blackmail" to your kids???

  2. Precious!
    I've got one where my son says "My Mom Sets in the house all day".... .that was about the farthest thing in the world that I was doing at the time raising 4 active sons!

  3. Awwwwwww, Memories, aren't they wonderful? Those little notes I bet take you back to the day you recieved them, huh? I have quiet a few myself. Yours are pricless. So cute. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day

  4. So sweet...aren't you glad you saved them.

  5. : ) Without laughter, how would we had made it through parenting!

  6. Joycee
    Thank you for a good laugh when I needed one! Are these yours?
    I haven't looked at mine lately, but I have them tucked away in a box. I'm so thankful I never threw them out.
    The p-nus one had me nearly crying with laughter!

  7. LOL! Now those made my afternoon, Joycee...:)JP

  8. I have a houseful of things like that! I think I've saved them all. Even have some from the tumultuous teenage years.

  9. LOL, that's hilarious. So great you saved them.

  10. Have a side ache from laughing so hard! Boy! these all bring back so many memories. Wish I had mine still ...

    Have a great eve, my friend ~
    TTFN ~

  11. Ah, the days of toilet training ... my girls were easy (we have 3 now-grown daughters) We had custody of our grandson when his time came, and it was going fairly poorly ... until I told him that he's lucky to be a boy because, once he didn't wear diapers anymore he could pee on trees like Daniel (our dog). That's all it took, and that little guy was in his super-hero underpants the very next day! (This is one of the many advantages of living out in the country.)


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