
Monday, August 15, 2011

When you don't have enough mantle for all the cards, when the phone doesn't stop ringing on your birthday, when your sister comes down the mountain to help you celebrate... you know you are blessed.

No one has to tell Aunt B. that she is a lucky woman. She has children who sing her praises and Grandchildren who worship the ground she walks on. She is the one who makes "Grandma Food" ... the one who serves one green salad, one fruit salad and one jello salad all in one meal just because she wants to make everyone's favorites!

Aunt B. is one of those people who savors life, she doesn't miss a thing. She fully participates in life, whatever it dishes out on her plate. From the time I met her 40 years ago she has been an inspiration to me, I've never met anyone who is so strong but so gentle.

She and Uncle George have made a little piece of Heaven here on Hackett Hill. This beautiful little patio is always cool and shady.

The path leads down to a wonderful place to sit...

...the perfect place to start or end their day.

Under these trees they gather their thoughts, whisper their prayers and count their blessings...


  1. What a great place to sit. I love the path too. My fave though is the cards on the mantle. cool.

  2. Oh, how I would love a place like that to sit and reflect! They made a lovely spot there!

  3. she sounds like a wonderful lady. i am glad she is well-loved. :)

  4. The Lord has truly blessed her and her family.

  5. Aunt B sounds like an amazing woman. You are blessed to have her in your life. Love the patio and the path to the swing. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great day

  6. sounds like aunt b. is a lovely lady! her yard is as lovely as she is!

  7. What a fantastic spot. It is so good to take time to ponder god and all of his creations and in such a gorgeous spot....

  8. I need to aspire to be more like Aunt B. Having that cool, shady patio might help.

    I have an Aunt that sounds much like her, so well loved and respected and inspirational.

  9. How wonderful for her, she is a beautiful lady indeed. :D

  10. What a fine person and you are so lucky to have her.

  11. Joycee
    What a dear sweet aunt you are blessed with.
    How special is her swing sanctuary.
    I love her boldness in posting the Trinity and I just bet she spends some quiet time with the Lord there.

  12. And, she had beautiful hair. Please tell her I said so and also wish her Happy Birthday!

    Love her patio!!

  13. I want to be Aunt B! She looks like a lovely person and I loved her patio area. Tell her Happy Birthday from all your internet friends.

    I made Gramps come take a look. Our west yard is in full shade and we should take advantage of it. I would love one like she had...only I want a fire pit in the middle.


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