
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It was so nice to have a long weekend. Every summer I begin to feel a little worn out about this time. Almost like summer ends just in time before I collapse! We had a pretty quiet Labor Day yesterday. We got up late, did a few chores that we've been putting off and went to lunch. Later on in the day we went to see a movie, it was a great way to celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Cooler temperatures arrived over the weekend, what a relief after the hottest summer on record.

We celebrated with the kids on Saturday and smoked a pork butt in the new electric smoker we bought recently at Sam's Club. It's a Masterbuilt, our second.. make that third one. This one is the new and improved version, but it wasn't. Two trips to Sam's to buy two smokers in one week. The design on the wood chip tray, or possibly the alignment of the slot made it defective. Reading online, there are many comments about this particular smoker. American made product, I think it says something that both had the same defective design. Our SON-in-law is a whiz with any project, especially fabrication so he quickly diagnosed and fixed the problem.

I hear buy American a lot these days, and I agree to an extent. We should support our American companies with American workers. But we need to do a better job of producing work we can be proud of. I plan on emailing the company and explaining the problem, I fully expect to hear back from them because I think Masterbuilt is a good company that responds to consumers complaints. That's the secret to keeping loyal customers. It also doesn't hurt that it makes smoking meat as easy as pushing a button!


  1. Hello Joycee
    Glad you were able to just chill out yesterday!
    Sounds like that smoker could make some good jerky too. We have a homemade smoker, but it's definitely not as easy as pushing a button!
    Take care now-Kimberly

  2. glad your SIL was able to fix the issue. :)

  3. Glad your SIL fixed the issue with the smoker, but, yes, I would definitely write to the manufacturer.

    BTW, If you could title your posts, then folks wouldn't have to load your whole page, and be able to just load your thoughts of the day. Thanks!

  4. Sharon, thanks for giving me heads up on that! Does it load 5 posts? I think that's what I have checked, a weeks worth.

  5. We just picked up one of those for our neighbor in May when we went North. He loves it!...:)JP

  6. Sounds like a great weekend.I love smoked meat. Why do I snicker every time I hear pork butt though??

  7. Your SIL sounds like a handy guy to have around.

  8. Since you are providing them with a fix, they should give you free merchandise, at least! Or, royalties!

  9. I made it to your neck of the woods today. I was over in Eureka Springs. Bought my Mom some taffy that she loves from a candy store there and mailed it to her in Kansas. That Smoker looks real nice. Good thing you got it up and running.

  10. I have started contacting companies more and more if their product or service is not up to snuff. You just reminded me that a company that was supposed to get back to me never did. Hmmmm

  11. It looks like quite a contraption!! And yes, you're right to contact them. I've been doing more of that lately myself when I receive something defective..... we're all pinching too many pennies to let things slide!


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