
Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'm Sorry

I have an amazing husband who helps me put up 3 Christmas trees, hang garlands and lights inside and out and never complains. I know I'm lucky because I hear from friends how their husbands grouse or put off the chores related to decorating. Sometimes around the holidays, tempers flare and harsh words are spoken. It's inevitable since we are stressed and pulled in a million directions with no time for ourselves. Before the holidays are gone for another year, I want to share the following email... a genuine attempt to make amends for cross words between husband and wife!

Subject: Christmas Lights...!!! -- an apology from husband

Hi Sweetheart, I am sorry about getting into an argument about putting up the Christmas lights. I guess that sometimes I feel like you are pushing me too hard when you want something. I realize that I was wrong and I am apologizing for being such a hard-headed guy. All I want is for you to be happy and be able to enjoy the holiday season. Nothing brightens the Christmas spirit like Christmas lights! I took the time to hang the lights for you today and now I will be off to the golf course. Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I'll be home later. Love you!

Hope the New Year holds much health and happiness for everyone, and a lot of smiles thrown in too!


  1. Hi Joycee, a belated Christmas to you & your loved ones. "I am sorry" too for my late visit but better than nothing. :o) Honestly, that guy sounded just like my old man. haha... Oh well, what the heck! We still be able to have fun & enjoy life. Be happy!
    And not forgetting to wish a very HAPPY NEW YEAER too. May all good things coming to you & your family.
    Best wishes

  2. LOL!!! my kinda Christmas decorations!

  3. Cute!

    Wishing you and your family a very blessed and happy New Year!

  4. That was cute - you got me!
    My husband and now my daughter and her fiance do the lights every year - they make a Christmas tree shape by hanging strings of lights out from the top of the flagpole - it looks wonderful!

  5. Hahaha! That's funny.

    My hubby is the one that wants to put up lights and stuff and I'm the one that gripes and complains and refuses to cooperate.

    Happy New Year!

  6. It took me a second to "get" the photo. I'm slow!
    I LOVED IT!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  7. Thank you for that, it was a good laugh!

    May you have a happy and Prosperous New Year!!!

  8. (SMILES) That is a good one Joyce. Make me realize how blessed I am to have a husband who doesn't mind helping with the holiday decorations. Some are far less fortunate. Happy New Year!!

  9. Funny!! Have a wonderful New Year. Only 12 more months until hubby has to do it all over again!!!

  10. ROTFL! What a great sense of humor the both of you have. Hugs, Ilene


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