
Friday, January 27, 2012

I spent the day yesterday with my Mother in law, we had a care meeting at the nursing home first for my Father in law and then onto another appointment and then a bite of lunch. We finished up the day at Wal-mart, we're shopping and I look down at her shoes. She has on some of those Nike wild color ones with the weird soles, the ones that I always wonder..."Who buys these?" Well, people like her who are comfortable in their own skin and like purple and green together! She doesn't have a clue she's 2 years away from the BIG 9.0. You're never going to see her in her pj's at Wal-mart but you just might in a pair of hip hugger jeans she got on sale at Kohl's! She told me at lunch she can't manage putting on her little stud earrings anymore. I told her they were out of fashion anyway and to wear the french hook ones that dangle. Two old ladies exchanging fashion tips over lunch! I'm headed her direction and she's on the other side going backwards. No one ever asks her age because it doesn't matter. She 10, going on 11!


  1. This is just too precious! I LOVE IT!

    1. That picture was perfect, one swigging wine and the other putting lipstick on! Now, which one would I be? hmmmm...

  2. Ya' gotta love it. Cherish the memories you are making.

    1. You're so right, we are so lucky to still have our Mothers.

  3. Now this is simply darling, Joy!...:)JP

    1. I may be in trouble, my MIL's sister called to make sure it was ok to read the blog to Mom T. She may get a kink in her bun!

  4. She's a very lucky woman, and so are you!

    1. Mom T. still lives on her own, drives and can run circles around me. Hope I have half as much energy as she does if I'm lucky enough to live to 88!

  5. It's the truth, I sometimes feel like the "older one!"


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