
Thursday, January 12, 2012

iPad Instructions

I want to apologize to any of you out there that has tried to print some of the many recipes I've posted over the last month. It seems I had left them all set as PRIVATE at Google Docs, that wasn't such a good idea was it? I went back and changed the links to all the recipes that I've posted so hopefully, I won't do that again. I changed to Google Docs since their posting is a piece of cake compared to Scribd's "do this-then do this-go back and do this!" It's challenging these days for me to remember what I've done yesterday. so learning a new trick takes some effort on my part! 

I don't ever want to repeat the Cyberspace Train Wreck, it was painful. I was a new blogger and just feeling like I knew what I was doing when I erased all my pictures on posts with one click of a mouse. Poof... gone into that vast wasteland they call the Internet!

We bought an iPad last weekend and I'm pushing my luck changing from desktop to laptop and now tackling a tablet! To make matters worse it didn't come with an instruction book, you have to log onto and navigate their site for answers to "How do I erase bookmarks?" ... "What do you mean there's no way to load Norton Anti Virus?" ... " Why doesn't autofill work?" ... "How do I log out of Twitter?"

Why is it that things that are supposed to make our lives more enjoyable add stress? I am enjoying the camera though, but I can't figure out how to load the film...


  1. Since we always run low on ink in the printer, when I spot a recipe I want to nab, I just copy and paste it in an email and send it to myself! Someday, when ink is plenty, I can print those suckers out!

    Good luck with the new toy... you're SO brave to tackle new technology! I salute you!

  2. Joyce, All we can do is keep trying! I know a lot of times I'm like "HUH?" I have a Droid and I don't understand a LOT about it but my kids sure are tickled that I have it. They are determined to keep their old ma up to date.
    Hang in there! xo, Cheryl

  3. LOL, I feel your pain. I'm sure in no time you'll have that new toy figured out. Good luck

  4. I love my iPad 2 and I know what you mean about the instructions. :) I do believe this is the first comment I've made on it!

  5. The ipad is next on my "get it" list. I was holding out for the 3 and now that it looks like it won't be here for awhile, I don't know whether to wait or not now. My mom got one though, and she is as close to computer illiterate as they come. She loves it!

  6. Good luck with the new toy! I am following your blog,you are welcome to follow mine as well . Blessings Jane


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