
Monday, February 6, 2012

House Tour Turns Ugly

I think I ate too much popcorn yesterday. I had some in the afternoon to dull my appetite for dinner and then last night when my husband fixed his bowl of popcorn I had another serving. Too.much.fiber. I guess it was no surprise that weird dreams would follow! I had one of those on-going-detailed-disturbing-dreams that stays with me instead of evaporting as soon as my feet hit the floor. It all ties into things that are swirling around in this old brain of mine. Are you ready... this is going to take a few paragraphs!

We were being transferred and Jerry had went ahead like he always does, but in the dream he had BOUGHT a house without me! That would never have happened in real life, but in the dream we were going to see the new house. It looked ok from the outside, the front door was cottage style with a wreath on the door of fresh flowers that had withered and died. Then there was a little table with a lamp on it on the porch beside the front door. When we went in, the rooms were large but the kitchen, OMG it was so teeny-tiny that I couldn't imagine where we'd put everything! The cabinets were horrible and had rough hewn wood on the fronts, not cabin like, just old unfinished wood. The stove didn't fit right and I was wondering why in the heck he would have bought this house. We walked into the living room and I saw the GRAND staircase, it was magnificent with ornate wrought iron banister and I forgot completely about the itty-bitty kitchen and ran up the stairs to see the rest of the house!

The house tour turned ugly as soon as I got to the 2nd floor, there was furniture everywhere, someone else's stuff. The sofa and chairs were that mauve and blue that was so popular in the 1980's, hey I used to have a couple of chairs just like the horrible ones in my dream! The more I looked the worse it got. There was a second kitchen up there, but the two sinks had water pouring out of them. Then I realized the people that had owned the house still lived there and their dogs and cats were everywhere. The cats had made a mess and I began to tear up the carpets to clean. In the process I could see Contact Paper (that sticky paper you line cabinets with) and it had been put on the hardwood floors in the kitchen. When I pulled it up, there were pictures all over the floor of the family that had lived there!

Are you following this dream, or have I lost ya? There was so much detail, every room had more chairs and stuff everywhere... sewing machines, fans, antiques, boxes. The only thing that could have made me dream this, other than too much popcorn... is maybe, just maybe, I've been watching too many American Pickers. I did have a conversation this week with Aunt B. and she reminded me we need to make a trip back down to Hackett to go visit the lawnmower shop. It's been there a long time and he's collected just about every kind of lawn and garden object known to mankind. I took pictures of his lawmower graveyard when we were there this summer. I searched and searched to find my pictures so I could show you, but they are gone into the bowels of the computer. I have a feeling that when we do go, it might just bring on another nightmare!


  1. Oh my, that was a strange little house you were going to move into. Aren't you glad you woke up, and didn't have to really move?

  2. Be glad it was only a dream, Joycee! And lay off the popcorn for a while. LOL

  3. Exactly what nightmares are made of,glad it was only a dream !!1

    Blessings Jane

    1. We have moved so many times that it sure felt real when I was dreaming it! I sure would hate to be transferred now.

  4. Replies
    1. That's not possible, it's my lunch most days!

  5. This is crazy. No more popcorn!

  6. Wow! And I thought I had crazy dreams. LOL

    1. Most of the time I don't remember them for 5 seconds after getting up. This one stuck, with all those details, ugh!

  7. I forgot to tell you. We are taking your advice and touring Crystal Bridges on Thursday or Friday of this week. Its kinda, sorta on our way to AZ. Thanks for the tip!

    1. You'll enjoy it so much! Wish I could be there and bump into a blogging buddy!

  8. Here's to no popcorn today. What a nightmare!

    1. Don't think I could go very long without the fluffy stuff, I'm addicted!

  9. Gosh I hate it when those dreams just don't disappear when you wake up! Talk about freaky. Sounds like one of those "anxious" dreams. You worried about something?

    1. Yes, issues with our parents in nursing care keep us in a worried state most of the time. That may be the reason for all the craziness and detail in that dream, it mirrors our real life /-:

  10. Replies
    1. Yeah, like everyone else we just never know what the day with bring anymore. At least I have the strength to do what I have to.

  11. Crap, Joy... I think he may have bought my house! Sorry.


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