
Thursday, February 9, 2012

It's the little things...

Most of you thought I ought to lay off the popcorn before bed after I shared the crazy dream I had the other night. I've had a popcorn Jones for as long as I can remember, in fact I inherited that from Mom. It was a rare night that she didn't pull out the "popcorn pot," add a little Wesson oil and then unscrew the big Ball jar that held the golden kernels. Come to think of it, her parents had the addiction to the fluffy stuff too! Every summer Grandpa grew enough rows for the whole family to have a stash. He actually grew several varieties of corn in the Big Garden, not to be confused with the smaller "salad garden" on the east side of the house. There was sweet corn for eating, Hickory King corn for cornmeal and feed corn for the chickens. So, it's in my genes, I'm not in control of inherited traits! 

Every night, 8ish or so... Jerry says, "Do you want a little popcorn?" I always answer yes. Then he gets up and makes it. We use a Presto Microwave Popcorn Popper, I bought it at Wal-Mart a long time ago. Like 10 years or more. I would say it's been a good one. You just pour in 1/3 cup popcorn kernels and push the Popcorn Button on your microwave. No oil, no bags, if you buy Orville Reddenbacher popcorn it costs roughly 15 cents a batch (6 cups popped). That fits into my thrifty budget that I'm still having to follow after 41 (42 years this June) of wedded bliss. One of the reasons it's worked is popcorn... it's the little things!


  1. If you want to branch out, get a whirly popper. I made kettle corn in mine. It's so good, I've only made one batch of regular salted popcorn. I bought mine at Orschlen's on sale.

    1. That's on my want list! We love kettle corn, might be a dangerous thing for me to have in the house!

  2. I am a popcorn lover too, although I don't love the stuff at the movies - I know I am strange - it is too salty for me! We have switched to microwave years ago but I remember the many years we tossed it in the heavy pot and then the air popper. There is just something about it cooking - that fabulous smell. How fun that your father grew it too!

    1. That smell gets me every night when Jerry pops it! I'm not even hungry and I can't say no!

  3. We were pre-bagged microwave popcorn addicts for years. Then on day about five years ago, we ran out! And for days we didn't have our popcorn fix because I wasn't going out in the winter just to get a bag of microwave popcorn. Then after a few more days, it hit us a huge "Are you stoopid" slap across the forehead. We had over 100 POUNDS of popcorn in the basement.....but we were so used to grinding it up as cornmeal (and we hadn't done that in a while) that it didn't even occur to us that there was POPCORN right under our noses! We were so used to opening a bag of microwave popcorn that we FORGOT the "old fashioned" way of making popcorn, i.e. with popping corn in a pot with some oil or butter! DUH!
    Haven't bought a bag of microwave popcorn since! :)

    1. That's funny, 100 pounds WOW! Mom and Dad always had corn ground for cornmeal too. The difference in flavor is amazing. I think popcorn is like that, the way it's popped makes a big difference.

  4. I'm a popcorn lover too. At one time I had a movie popcorn machine and I loved it. But there came a time that it needed to go to another loving family and so I let it go. Sometimes I could just kick myself but I know where it is and that it is loved.

  5. Well I wish I could find one of those little things..... popcorn gadget I mean, not husband! Well I wouldn't mind one of those too as long as it worked well; yours must be an excellent model!

    1. This is too funny, my brain just can't help but think how your words can pertain to the popper OR a husband!

  6. sounds really healthy without oil! and as long as you don't add too much salt...

  7. Joycee
    Wowsa, you must really love popcorn!
    I eat it in spurts. But I do remember my Aunt
    popping it every night as a treat. She had 3
    daughters and they each got their own cake pan
    full. Who would put popcorn in a cake pan to
    serve today?

    1. That's funny, guess she had those cake pans handy! Jerry get the big bowl and I take mine in a coffee filter! That's pretty odd too!

  8. I didn't know there was such a thing as your microwave popper! I'm afraid that I slather on the butter and sometimes parmesan cheese, so my popcorn isn't very waistline friendy.

    1. Since we don't use oil, I don't feel a bit guilty using buttah!

  9. I love popcorn but have broken a tooth on it, so now chew very, very carefully! :)

  10. I love the stuff but it gets stuck in my teef.

  11. I switched back to the old fashioned way of making it in a pan over on the stove about a month ago. I was looking for a healthy snack for munching on at school. The price for the plain microwave popcorn was ridiculous. It was higher than the butter and seasoned popcorn. So I purchased a bag of kernels and now pop some in the morning, put in a ziploc bag, and have my snack for school. Love the price!!!


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