
Saturday, February 11, 2012

R.I.P. Bennie Bear

He was King of Granny Mountain, Ben was a rescue dog, our daughter Amy took him into her heart at a time she needed unconditional love...the kind that only comes from a pet. We welcomed him with open arms, and he worked his magic on all of us. He healed Amy's broken heart, he gave Jerry and me many happy years of devoted love, he was friend to every dog he ever met. Ben loved each and every one of us with the no strings attached, full on, lick you in the face devotion that canines are known for.
Granny Mountain was a happy home for Ben, he loved setting on this patio with us, under the trees watching the squirrels and deer. He loved boat rides to Horseshoe Bend and car rides to McDonalds. In time we can smile and say his name but for now, we'll quietly remember just how much we loved him.


  1. May Bennie romp freely with all the pooches & kitties in petland forever.
    TTFN ~

  2. Oh Joycee..I am so very sad to read this. The loss of our pets is a very, very heartbreaking time. My prayers are being sent to you. I am certain Bennie was a most noble dog. Sending love...

  3. Dear Joycee,
    So very very sorry for your loss. Prayers are being sent for you and your family.

  4. Sorry for the loss of your companion. It's never easy, but I hope in time you'll be able to laugh and smile when you think of him.

  5. So sorry for your loss...they do indeed love unconditional and it breaks our heart to lose them.

  6. So sorry to hear the sad news, he was a handsome boy. :-(

  7. Joy, I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I know how much our furry friends mean to us and I still grieve the loss of mine. I hope time will ease that grief. Thoughts and prayers.

  8. i am so sorry for your loss. losing a pet is losing a part of your family, and they take a piece of your heart with them...

  9. Oh Joycee, I'm so very sorry! What a wonderful dog you were blessed with. Hugs and prayers!

  10. Big hugs Joyce. Such a huge loss in a family. He sounds like a wonderful family member.

  11. I just hate that, Joycee.I can tell he was so loved by your family.We never really forget those special pets who found a special place in our hearts.

  12. So very sorry for your family, Joy. I know how hard this is from experience. They hold a special place in our families.

  13. So sorry for your loss, he sounds like he was such a loving member of your family. My baby is spending the weekend at the vets after her emergency surgery, she is so very sick.
    God Bless

  14. Marydon says it best. I am so sorry for your loss of Bennie Bear. What an adorable dog.


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