
Friday, June 8, 2012

Like Me

I don't know if I'd go so far as calling it the Good Old Days, I may be the only person who doesn't want to go back to high school days. Everyday notes were passed in the hallways... no one escaped the pen. The notes found their way into books, lockers or lunchboxes... and the words would make you walk on air or want to disappear from the face of the Earth.. at least from a 16 year old perspective!

 Poor girl is starting heartache early (after school program).

 "Copied me"... the ultimate compliment!

Those fragile years when a note could make my sunny day cloudy are gone. We still have the Like system around, but now it looks like this...


  1. OK, there are two of us, who didn't think too much of those high school years. Oh but college, that was a different story............ Petty notes, that could really bring someone down, ugg!! Glad those days are past.

    1. I knew I wasn't the only one that didn't want to go back to those horrible high school days! Moving on...

  2. High school - you couldn't pay me to go back to those days! Did you have a diary? I had one and I cringe when I look back at it.

    1. Amen!!! Oh yes, and I wrote EVERYTHING down in that diary! That must be why I love blogging... it purges my head of the voices!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes we were, I was so insecure. I didn't know I was strong until I had to be, living 1600 miles away from my parents forced me to stand on my own two feet. Probably one of the best things that ever happened to me!

  4. I gave-up my text feature on my phone, so I'm not getting why Its so popular. It just takes way too long and is another excuse for not having any real human contact! Richard

    1. I am slow at text but like everything else it's a quicker way to communicate. I'm usually forced into learning something new, free text on my phone was the reason I am now able to tap-tap-tap my message!

  5. Oh, UGGHHH. I would not go back there for a million dollars. It's tough enough watching my kids and now my grandkids muddle through it all.

    1. That's the truth, it can ruin your day if you let it. My grandson's are alot thicker skinned than I ever was though!

  6. Being younger, yes, high school, no thank you! When my kids were in school, notes were still a big thing. I have tons of them stored in boxes!

    1. So you are a saver of memories like me! I didn't save my notes, but I saved every other scrap of paper...


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