
Monday, July 4, 2016

Nutty Monkey Memories

Happy 4th.... hope you are celebrating the day with something that sparkles, whether it's the people in your life or some fireworks! I can't imagine any bans this year on the poppers with all the rain we've had across the U.S.

I don't remember ever not having fireworks on the 4th when I was growing up in Springfield. We'd hit the firework stands on the way to Grandma's, my brother choosing Black Cats and bottle rockets and me... sparklers, smoke bombs and the little chicken that layed the fire eggs! You know the one, it's on everyone's "must have list." Well, maybe it's not...

Our GRANDsons make their selection and there's not a single Hen Laying Eggs or Ground Bloom Flower or Nutty Monkey. No sparklers, no Cascading Fountain. Only firecrackers and bombs. Maybe one fountain, but it's called Death Bomb Fountain or something like that. We're invited over for fireworks so I'll be nice and try my best not to complain.... I don't think anyone could hear me anyway!


  1. You need to git over to the fireworks stand and purchase a few of those Hen Layers. Those kids don't know how to live, or the fun we used to have, you show 'em granny!!! If nothing else they are worth a few laughs!!1

    1. Well, I didn't pick up any Hen's and I still had a good 4th of July! Gavin actually put on a very good show for us with the fireworks he had chosen! Big ticket items ($4 instead of the 50 cent ones I usually choose) made a big difference in the enjoyment factor! Half the time the chicken didn't work and would fizzle instead of fire off eggs! Hope your holiday was fun!

  2. Happy 4th to my US blogging friend.

    1. Hope you had a fun day too! We had a relaxing 4th for a change, it was NICE!

  3. Have a great 4th Joy- be safe. After having fires on either side of us I don't want to see anything that could spark another one!

    1. With it being so dry, was a little surprised they didn't cancel... but didn't hear of any mishaps so we were lucky. The kids look forward to the poppers, and you know- I guess I do too!

  4. Sounds like you will be having a lot of fun! Our son had asthma for years and even smoke from sparklers could send him to the ER. So we have fun hopping in the car and enjoying the biggest show we can find in the sky. Happy 4th to you!

    1. Thanks Maggie for coming by for a visit! Fireworks are a part of the holiday that many could do without, but like all traditions it just seems right to celebrate with some kind of sparkles!

  5. Be sure to take lots of photos to share! Happy 4th!

    1. Would you believe I forgot my camera... I didn't get a single picture this year of the fireworks! Going to someone else's for the big event got me all flustered...


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