
Monday, September 10, 2012

BrookStone Assisted Living

When you think of Grandma's house, most of us get a picture of a white house, a rocking chair on the front porch and flowers everywhere.

Our trip last week to BrookStone Assisted Living was a big step for my Mother in Law. It was the first time she had actually considered giving up the house she and my Father in Law have called home for nearly 20 years. She's still undecided about the move... and it's a decision that shouldn't happen quickly. Too many seniors have to make a hurried move when illness gives them no other choice.

For Mom, it's been slow coming. She has enjoyed good health. She still drives. She attends church every Sunday. She takes walks every day. But the last 4 years have tested her strength and for the first time, life has been bumpy. My father-in-law's move to a nursing home last year was hard. Being alone may be the hardest part. 

You may be facing this difficult part of life with your parents too. It's hard to approach the subject but it's like the elephant in the room... you can't ignore it forever. 

If you haven't visited an assisted living facility, you may just be a little surprised when you do. They are homey, but luxurious. They often have more than one living room, a library, sunrooms, huge family rooms for crafting or soda fountain parties or potlucks.

 Giving up your favorite hobbies won't be something you have to do. There are so many activities offered that you may need to pencil in naps to have the energy to do it all!

 Going out to eat or a ballgame, trips to a favorite park or Crystal Bridges Museum, even excursions to Branson and a show are on BrookStone's calendar!

You were thinking it was going to be boring, didn't you?

One of the best things about assisted living is that the fun comes to YOU! 

No one ever gets too old for an Easter basket!

... or the love of a pet!

It doesn't feel odd visiting, it feels like Grandma's house.

"Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile & who love you no matter what."


  1. Looks good to me! Kind of funny...I'm thinking to myself I wouldn't mind living there..ha! Never have to cook again would do it for me...

    1. That sounds attractive to me too! Assisted living is a mix between Home Sweet Home and resort living! I could get used to being spoiled...

  2. Good luck getting your mother in law moved into a safer, more secure place to live. This one sounds wonderful, and lots of activities.

    1. It's got to be her decision, but we are encouraging her to take the big step!

  3. This is a really good post and very true.

    1. Thanks, it's hard to talk about the things that are so close to my heart. I have a feeling that lots of us are facing this with parents or other family right now...

  4. Things have changed drastically in this area! Which is a very good thing. I always thought my mom would go to an assisted living home but my sister felt the Lord directing her to sell HER home and Mother sell HERS and they both one they remodeled for other's needs. It's like she has a suite with private bath. She loves it. Mother had a stroke 6 years ago which continues to affect her speech. God is gracious. There are as many ways of enjoying this season of life as there are people!!! Glad your family is not pressed about making a decision immediately!

    1. It's a hard decision for my mother in law. She loves all the activities that assisted living offers, but says she would miss her house. She doesn't want to move where we live, Fayetteville is "home" after 20 years. I told her, we can always get a caregiver when she needs it, there will be a way she can be at home if she wants.

  5. I have visited a good friend in a assissted living home.. He was a farmer for a long time and his wife died and decided he should live somewhere else.. He is doing good and likes living here.. He said if he was home, he wouldn't see anyone, he would have to fix his own meals and clean .. he said it would be very lonely. Someday I will probably have to make the same decision. I'm not ready but someday it will happen.. Thanks for sharing... ta ta for now from Iowa:)

    1. That's the best part about assisted living I think... being with others. It's so lonely at home for many seniors, going days without seeing or talking to anyone. Since my Mom and Father in law are both in nursing care now, it's startling to realize how many people are alone in the world. BrookStone has done a wonderful job of making it feel like home and offering so much to fill their lives.

  6. Congratz! for settling your Mother in law at such lovely place..

    Assisted Living Home Westerville Ohio

    1. Thanks so much David! She did make the decision to move to BrookStone and will soon be calling it Home Sweet Home!


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