This picture was taken years ago after Christmas dinner at Mom's. Whoever took it thought it would be funny to get our "best sides" in a group picture. That's me, my mother-in-law and Mom. We are a silly bunch and I thought I would try to put a smile on your face by sharing some of the one's that we have taken through the years.
Here we go...
The women in the family love to get something sparkly to wear!
It's in their blood to ham it up!
"Ohhh, this is too much!"
He wanted to brag to everyone that he went swimming on Christmas!
Great picture to show to her son when he's older!
This is where Hubby gets Popeye Face...from his Dad!
Hubby with his "purty face!"
Even our cat "Smudgy" was a clown!
Ok, I had to get permission from our daughter Stephanie to share this one! In defense, she WAS on cold medicine and she was doing her best to keep Jackson amused during all of the present opening on Christmas morning 1994.
This may be my favorite...the players are seated left to right, my Mom, my Mother in Law and my Father in Law. The gift is from us...a bread machine. Dad T.'s saying, "Maybe now I'll finally get some hot bread!" Look at Mom T.'s face...then look at my Mom's!
Hey, it was funny!
The Silly Billy gene is alive and well in the future generation!
In loving memory of my father-in-law who taught us all he had to know about silliness! We miss you Dad!