
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lazy Sunday

We're having a lazy Sunday on Granny Mountain! For me that means working on the blog some. Hubby's been doing his "Fall Thing," blowing leaves. They are really starting to come down after the 4 inches of rain we got last week.

We have been enjoying the fire pit these cool nights.
Love to set around a fire and watch the logs burn down.

Ben loves the weekend too, he likes us both home so there are two to spoil him!

He's checking out the chipmunks dishes.
I put corn or sunflowers in these iron feeders and they come and set on the wall.
Ben would love to catch one of those cute little critters to play with!

The Dogwoods are beginning to lose their bright salmon color, soon the leaves will fall off and we'll just have bare trees. Kind of sad, but I like Winter too. Love the way the house feels cozy and warm and meals seem to "hit the spot."

But for now we have a cool Fall day to enjoy the mums...

A little longer before the ferns get put into the garage...

Wood stacked and ready for the fire pit on these cool Fall nights...

The squirrels are busy gathering nuts and acorns...

A do-nothing afternoon to enjoy the color of the leaves...and the beauty of the Ozarks!


  1. Oh, your place is so pretty..we have a fire pit it! Meals do taste better now..I love this time of year too...Happy Fall to you :D
    Come say hi :D

  2. What beautiful shots. Your home is beautiful.

  3. The area you live in is so beautiful as is your home. I love your firepit surrounded by trees.
    It definately sounds very peaceful around your home. Enjoy!

  4. Just seeing the pictures makes me feel relaxed! What a beautiful place you live!

  5. How amazing it must be to live where there is actually a changing of seasons. the leaves look so beautiful.

    I love my South Texas but many days this week it was still 95 degrees.


    Enjoyed visiting,


  6. The fall colors around your home are very lovely. Your patio table looks appropriately forlorn for this time of year. It's time to make some soup! Have a great day.

  7. Your place is so cool! Wonderful & relaxing scenery.


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