
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Soup Weather

We woke up to a Winter Wonderland...again. It's not been that long since we had snow on the ground. This time we had sleet in the night and then when we got up yesterday, it was snowing like CRAZY! All day long it would be very fine snow and then when I would look again, the flakes would be huge! My Grandma used to say the "Angels were picking their geese" when the snowflakes would be fluffy like down.
Love to think about that...

The birds flocked the feeders all day long, trying to fill up for the cold night ahead of them.

Cardinals in pairs, I wonder if this is Mr. and Mrs.?

Seemed like a good day for soup...

Tomorrow the recipe!


  1. Beautiful snow pictures. I especially like the one of the red-bellied woodpecker on the feeder. Don't ask me why they call him that. I see more red on his head than on his belly.

  2. I knew snow was going south of us - - - we missed it this time, though it is COLD here and the snow we got earlier in the week is still with us.

    Soup looks YUMMY.

  3. Love all the pictures of the birds, we enjoy feeding them here as well. The soup looks soooo good, and your table setting is very cozy and inviting.

  4. I love your nook with the big picture window. What a great place to bird watch. The pictures are very pretty. It's so cold here, I wish it had snowed to make it worth while.

  5. Such comforting soup with such wonderful view! I wonderful how's the birdie going to get through the winter!

  6. Nine inches and counting over here.....still snowing!!

    Stay warm....LindaMay

  7. We got a couple of inches up here in Kansas City. Just enough to make everything look clean. Still very cold. I had meat loaf last night. mmmmmm I love Winter foods. I will watch for your recipe. N

  8. Old Man Winter spent the night at my house last night! He has decided to stay for a while longer. So far we have around 4 inches of snow and it is still coming down pretty hard.

    Your soup looks delish! Can't wait to see the recipe tomorrow!

    Stay warm!

  9. Such a beautiful view.......

  10. Beautiful, beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing.

    Oh my gosh, I'll bet that soup tasted even better than usual on a cold day, with those gorgeous views outside the windows. Very nice.

    Stay snug! xo ~m

  11. Love the birds! Cardinals are my favorite.

  12. Joy ~ I FINALLY today got a pic of my woodpecker like yours, I was soooo excited! We, too, awoke to possibility of 2" of snow & we now have at least 5" & 10 hours left of snow to come ... love it. We had potato soup & grilled cheese today.

    Have a great week. TTFN ~Marydon

  13. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do,,, your soup looks wonderful!!! stay warm!!

  14. Soup looks wonderful, birds look colorful, snow looks . . . snowy. Great post.

    No snow for us in the Sierra Nevada foothills today, but it rained/hailed like crazy earlier this afternoon. Glad to be home.

    Stay warm!

  15. Joycee just checking in for the first time in a LONG time.
    Miss some of you but days are busy and maybe some day I will be back blogging. I got my blog messed up and got to find some one who can help me ,hands on. here to get it back on track again ,one of these days.
    I am having snow again too and the one before christmas has just gotten melted . About another foot again..
    tttttake care

  16. Wonderful photos of your little feathered friends!

    To me, the entire winter season is a reason for soup, bubbling on the stove top and waiting for me.

  17. I love the colorful birds in the snow - what a great picture. That soup looks yummy. Sandie


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