
Friday, June 4, 2010

Marrs Dreaming...

Sunday's Democrat Gazette profiled an Arkansan that hails from the small community of Harrison where we used to live. John Phifer Marr's residences are one of 28 primary and vacation homes that are featured in Michele Keith's new book,

Although I don't know him personally, after reading the article I have admiration for the hard work that it must have taken to build his business. When you are small town America, it's not just a hop, skip and jump to fame.

From an early age, he was fascinated with the way people live-their homes, their rooms, their possessions. His Grandmother Marrs encouraged him as a child by allowing him to rearrange her furniture and accessories. In college he majored in theatre, set decoration gave him the outlet for creativity that he craved. After college, he attended Parson's School of Design in Paris and he knew then that he could never settle for a life on the farm!

John Phifer Marrs, Inc.
Dallas, Texas

He says he loves a client with a dream... a client with lots and lots of things – antiques, collections, artwork – who is moving or downsizing and needs a fresh eye to edit and arrange a new home.

"It’s like a giant puzzle to me. I love the challenge of showing off their things in a new way."

His advice to homeowners and newlyweds,

"Buy the best you can afford and have a good time doing it."

His favorite quote,
"Too many flowers in a room imply the presence of a corpse and should be avoided unless there is one.”

His essentials to living... "Laughter, music, books, a comfortable chair, a beautiful view, someone to share it with, and a really good vodka martini!"

I can't wait to buy this book and do a little dreaming of my own!


  1. ~a wonderful story...who doesn't love to dream...sometimes i can get a little too caught up in dreaming!! sounds like it will be a great read filled with so many inspiring words and pictures to ponder...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  2. Interesting story. It's great to see someone from small town USA make it to the 'big time'.

  3. I can agree with just about everything except the comment about "too many flowers." I am of the belief you can't have too many flowers. I can do without the corpse, though.

    Have a great weekend!


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