
Monday, November 29, 2010

Washing Dishes

Someone thought this would be a great picture, three women washing the Thanksgiving dishes circa 1980. I didn't realize until this year that this may be one of my favorite pictures. That's me on the left, my Mother-in-law washing and Mom putting away. We all were skilled at washing dishes since none of us had a dishwasher, and the time went fast because we were laughing and talking about memories. We took turns then with the holiday meals. Somewhere along the way, I took over the apron and became the cook. I don't even remember when it happened. Somewhere about the time I became Nana I think. I love the planning and the preparation so I look forward to every holiday.

 We woke up to sleet and snow on Thanksgiving, not enough to cause any travel problems but it did add to the holiday mood!

 We are good team, Hubby stays out of the kitchen unless he's needed to wash up pots and pans or carve turkey! Ben also waits patiently for his Thanksgiving turkey...

 This looks like a lot of dressing for our little family, but everyone takes leftovers home and it goes fast!

 I used my daughter's roaster and the turkey turned out great! I miss not having two ovens but this was the perfect answer to that problem. If you have trouble juggling all the casseroles that have to be baked at the same time as the meat...go out and buy one of these! 

It was a perfect day, but we sure miss having both daughters and their families. Christmas is coming though and they will all be here! I've started planning my menus and I'm using the roaster again for brisket!
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving...


  1. I have a few of those same type photos Joy, of us women in the kitchen washing the dishes after a large gathering. Sure brings back memories... as sadly, some of the women in those photos are no longer with us.

  2. I llllooovvveee my turkey roaster....!!!!!

    Looks like fun...!

  3. I prefer to wash no matter who's house I am at. I do not like to dry and find a spot to put everything. This year my middle daughter took over the washing. I have one of those roasters but I have had to start buying a larger turkey with the expansion of our family and it will not fit in the roaster I have.

  4. I love the photo. You never think to take photos like that but we have one from my Aunt's house on Christmas Eve with the men washing. Most of them are gone now and it is a treasure.

    Just so you didn't think I forgot about you, we are leaving Cabo today and I will be out and getting the gift certificate off tomorrow if all goes as planned! LOL

  5. Loved the photos of your house. It looks like a perfect Thanksgiving but I understand Christmas will be even better with all your little chicks home!

  6. your room looks just beautiful! where are you? We had rain on Thur. & a bit of snow Fri evening, but nothing that stuck. In Southern Indiana.
    hugs, Cheryl

  7. Looks like you had a good Thanksgiving. We traveled to Arkansas, as usual. Big family gathering in the church fellowship hall on Thanksgiving eve.

  8. I need a lesson in using a roaster! I have one but haven't ever used it for a turkey.

  9. I have a roaster just like that! I use it every Thanksgiving for the turkey. It's sooooo easy, just put the bird in, put the lid on and turn it on! I do put a towel over the vent holes because it keeps the heat in and bakes better then.

    Looks like your Black Friday expedition turned out great. I love when there are angels.

    That's a great view off your deck. --Ilene

  10. I am trying to catch up with my favorite blogs.

    That might be an answer for me with one oven...a roaster. My daughter has a new microwave/oven combo...will be checking that out too.

    I love your family room in the background. What a beautiful, airy space.

    No shopping for me.........I am not a shopper!!!! Black Friday or otherwise.

  11. Lovely being able to share your Thanksgiving with you - Thanks :-}}


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