
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Bells of Christmas

Bright and early we rolled out of the bed for Black Friday's specials.  GRANDson Gavin was fairly easy to get up, he was wired for the hunt! If he didn't inherit anything else from me, he's got the BARGAIN GENE!

After we fill ourselves to the brim on Thanksgiving, we carefully look over the ads. The morning may be filled with timing the turkey, dressing and sides to all come out of the oven at the right time...but the afternoons are for planning our strategy.

We all rolled out of the bed at 4AM. Hubby fought the battle at Sam's Club, it actually wasn't too bad he said!

They even gave you a muffin for coming to the earlybird event!

Next on his list was Sears and they were busy. He picked up the one item he went for and escaped the mob!

Meanwhile, Gavin and I pulled into the Walmart parking lot at 4:54 AM. We had our map, downloaded the night before of the secret location of the desired present (I'll give you and hint, he didn't want the pink one)!

We snaked our way through the crowd and got in line at balloon 14 just as they announced they had ran out. Before we could even say a word, before Gavin's mouth turned from toothy smile to sad sack ANGEL appeared out of nowhere. In her right hand she held the Christmas red version that he wanted so badly he could taste it. Then the Angel said, "I have an extra one...would you like it?

All Gavin heard was the Bells of Christmas ringing loud and clear! We were lucky this year, found everything on our list and got home before 7 AM!


  1. Wow on getting everything on your list..I didn't brave it and go..I am just to scared I you have a wonderful rest of the week!!!!

  2. Did you all go home after that adventure and take naps? Glad you found everything on your list.. You were all very brave to go out on Black Friday...
    Glad you were done early~! Christmas is only 25 days away...need to get ready for the excitement it always brings.
    Ta Ta For Now, from Iowa.. 25 degrees cloudy and very windy... I'ts a day to stay inside and look out the windwo and watch my birds...

  3. Joycee, you made out like a bandit! Good for you! If I knew you were going, I would have gone with you!...:)JP

  4. Wow you had time to just crawl back into bed.......I wasn't even up yet....I can't seem to get motivated at 4 AM!!

  5. My goodness, I cringe just looking at those lineups! Glad your efforts paid off!


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