
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Merrier Shopping!

I've been shopping... in my pj's! I think I like this even better than shopping the sales and going from one store to the next to find the best buy. Yesterday I just filled my cup of coffee, went down to the study and there in my pink robe and my fluffy slippers I wiped out a big part of Christmas shopping!

Cyber Monday has been around for awhile, but I really haven't participated until this year. Lots of sites had free shipping, Best Buy had 50% off some of their video games and of course Walmart and Target had some great specials. Amazon was really the one I ordered the most from though. When you have family that lives a distance, it simplifies shopping. They have a Wish List that the Grandkids can use to help you out, it has Bill To-Ship To feature and the best part....they find the sales for you. I shop until the stores close on Christmas Eve, but I am feeling great about crossing through a big part of my list!

Jana at Merrier Shopping has some great free printables to help with the big job of planning.
This list will help me to stay on track, it's hard to get it all done without a list.

I have a budget I strictly loosely follow each year...

Planning a Christmas party? Here's your list!

...and for all those goodies you plan on giving to friends and neighbors, recipe cards to tie on the presents!
Hop on over to Merrier Shopping and tell Jana I said HELLO!


  1. Being a list person...I live go print those great ones! Thanks!
    I love shopping in pj's.....the best way, ha

  2. Laughing out loud at the comedy pair at the store...
    There are some people who do lists and guess I have never done this.. My daughter is a great list maker.
    Great post this morning..Christmas is such a fun time ~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  3. I'm like you ... LOVE shopping from the comfort of my own home! Avoiding crowds is an added bonus!

  4. Hi Joycee-

    Thanks for visitng me over at Merrier Shopping and posting a link to my free printables. I'm June (like the month) rather than Jana though! Thanks again! : )

  5. Oh goodness...I'm the biggest "list" person ever! I even listed all the cookies I'm bringing home, crossing them off as I go! Did I ever tell you that I excelled in organization skills when I worked?????...:)JP

  6. I love shopping online- stress free and no rude salespeople! Great printables too!

  7. What did we ever do before the internet?? Love shopping on line, especially if there is free shipping.

  8. I do the majority of my shopping from home. Way less impulse buying and when I do get out to the stores... well i don't have much to get and can actually enjoy myself! No crazed person on the look out for something I can't find!

    Enjoy your holiday shopping,

    PS LOVE the new blog header.


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